Chapter 3: An Unexpected Confession

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Hitomi guided Yume and Angel through the hospital corridors, their footsteps echoing against the sterile walls. The scent of antiseptic filled the air, mingling with the hushed whispers of medical staff and the gentle hum of machinery. They finally arrived at a room where Yume would receive the care she desperately needed.

As Yume was gently settled onto the hospital bed, the gravity of the situation sank in. Bruises and wounds adorned her body, painful reminders of the battles fought. Yume winced, her strength waning, but her determination remained unyielding.

Angel, her eyes filled with tears, leaned in close, her voice choked with emotion.

"Onee-chan," she began, her voice trembling. "Please forgive Honda-san."

The younger sister pleads, gripping on Yume's hand.

"She saved me... When Arisu came and attacked."

"Arisu?!—What? She's back?! Did you get hurt?"

Yume's eyes widened in surprise. Arisu, the one who had once stood against them, had returned to haunt their lives once more. Yet, amidst the chaos, Hitomi had been there, a pillar of support for both Angel and Arisu.

"Honda-san was there to protect me," Angel smiled, her voice laced with relief. "And now, she saved you from yourself."

Angel gently wiped away her older sister's tears, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Onee-chan, we have to break free from Raki's grasp. We can't let her cruel and unfair commands dictate our lives any longer. This is not what fighting is about."

Yume's gaze shifted towards the doorway as Hitomi returned, carrying a tray of snacks. The weight of her gratitude and apology rested heavily on her shoulders.

"Honda," Yume began, her voice filled with sincerity, "I want to thank you. Thank you for defending Angel and helping her reconcile with Arisu."

I... I'm eternally sorry for the inconvenience I caused you..."

Hitomi's eyes softened, a warm smile gracing her lips.

"I understand, Yume. We all make mistakes." Hitomi walks over to the hospital bed and sits in a space next to Yume. "What matters is that we're here now, ready to move forward together."

In that hospital room, a pact was made—one of solidarity and shared purpose. Yume and Angel vowed to sever their ties with Raki and embrace a new path, guided by trust and compassion. As they sat together, enjoying the simple pleasure of snacks, they knew that their journey had taken an unexpected turn, one that would lead them towards a brighter future filled with genuine friendships and the strength that comes from standing united against the challenges ahead.


Yume and Angel stood before Raki, their hearts pounding with a mix of apprehension and determination. Raki, still seated in her armchair, played absentmindedly with her kendama, a smug smile playing on her lips. She had expected them to return with information, to have confronted Honda and gathered the details she desired.

But as she looked into their eyes, Raki sensed something different. Their expressions carried a weight of resolve, a glimmer of newfound strength that unnerved her. Confusion flickered across her face, momentarily breaking through her confident facade.

"What's with those faces?" Raki asked, her tone laced with a tinge of uncertainty. 

"Did something unexpected happen with Honda? Did you defeat her?"

Yume's voice trembled slightly, but she spoke with unwavering determination. "Raki-san," She took a deep breath, "we... we can't continue to work under you anymore. You've commanded us to hurt countless innocent people!"

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