Chapter 7: A Rageful Revenge

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"Raki," Yui began as the two leaders met on the rooftop to discuss their plans against Honda Hitomi. Raki lounged on the couch, her feet propped up on the armrests. The couch itself was a relic from Rappapa's past, once a favorite spot for Salt, a former leader of the yankee group, to contemplate and strategize. Yui sat beside Raki, her expression filled with conflicting emotions.

"Maybe we should consider ending this war," Yui suggested, her words tinged with uncertainty. Raki turned her gaze towards Yui, her eyes narrowing in surprise.

"What are you saying, Yui-san? Are you suggesting we let Honda destroy everything we've built together?" Raki questioned, her voice laced with disbelief.

"No, I would never suggest that," Yui responded firmly, her tone resolute. "It's just that Honda seems to have become stagnant. She hasn't initiated any fights in weeks. Reports from Team Under indicate that she's simply enjoying her time with her friends." Yui reasoned, seeking a different perspective.

Raki fell silent, her attention briefly drawn to her nails before she shifted her gaze back to Yui. "I doubt it."

"What do you mean?" Yui inquired, a hint of confusion evident in her voice.

"This is just another one of her ploys, I'm sure of it. Honda's done it before—laying low for a few weeks, avoiding conflict. It's likely she'll do it again," Raki explained, resting her face on her palms as she positioned herself to face Yui.

"Hmm... I suppose you're right. She's using it to throw people off her trail, isn't she?" Yui contemplated, beginning to understand Raki's perspective.

"I don't know her exact motives, but that's prolly it. At this point, she's just toying with us," Raki sighed, shifting back onto her back and extending her arms towards the sky.

"In that case, should I proceed with our plan?" Yui leaned against the armrest where Raki's head rested.

"Of course!" Raki exclaimed, then posed a question. "Do I always have to be the one making decisions for you, Yui-san?"

"You always seem to know what I'm thinking, so I trust you to handle these things," Yui replied, a touch of admiration in her voice.


As Otaku and Sarugami made their way to school, walking side by side, they often found solace in each other's company. Their homes were conveniently situated close to one another, making their morning walks a routine.

"Hahh... I'm so exhausted," Otaku groaned, her pace slowing down compared to her usual brisk stride. Sarugami glanced at her curiously.

"Why? What have you been up to?" Sarugami inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"I binge-watched all six episodes of Oshi no Ko in one sitting," Otaku confessed, causing Sarugami to facepalm in exasperation.

"Seriously? The otaku lifestyle ain't for the weak!" Sarugami exclaimed, cringing at the thought.

"Hey! The story was really interesting ! I was hooked from the very first episode!" Otaku defended herself, a surge of energy reinvigorating her.

"I bet if you tried to get into the anime world, you'd never be able to escape!" She teased, chuckling mischievously. Sarugami scoffed and shrugged dismissively.

Their casual banter came to an abrupt halt as they spotted a familiar figure in a Majijo uniform adorned with a dragon-like jacket. Despite her petite stature, she emanated an unsettling smile and exuded an intimidating aura.

The girl had short auburn hair with blonde highlights, adding a striking contrast to her appearance. Her fair white skin was marked with an assortment of scars and bandages, telling tales of past battles and fierce encounters. A prominent mole graced her right cheek, adding a touch of uniqueness to her already formidable presence. However, it was her gaze that sent chills down their spines, for within those eyes lay an intense anger that seemed to seethe from the depths of her being, permeating the air around her, leaving those who crossed her path with a palpable sense of dread, even from a mile away.

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