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yeonjun weakly stood up after knowing that soobin was for sure gone, his teeth sunk into his lower lip as his eyes flickered around. fully looking at the space before him with full consciousness. he let out a grunt and forced himself to walk over to the space he had yet to explore.

he carefully stepped over to the untainted space, nervously looking back and forth from the door and the small space that held him captured. he needed to find a way out, or just simply anything that could help his chance of escaping come true.

yeonjun felt his breathing hitch as his eyes glossed over the table that still held all the food from earlier. his mouth slightly salivating from the lack of food, knowing he wouldn't be able to hold the food down.

he let out another sigh and kept looking, walking over to the untouched counters with cabinets facing towards the room. he noticed that they hadn't been touched in a while, from the lack of dust that coated the off-white adding a touch of brown to the coloration. he opened the doors of the cabinets and let out a soft sneeze due to the amount of dust buildup. "he could not have chosen a cleaner place..." he said with an annoyed expression. "if you're going to kidnap the boy you love you could at least make it nice." he mumbled, trying to make sense of the situation at hand.

yeonjun gently ran his hand through the cabinets because he wasn't tall enough to reach the top. he glided his fingers across the smooth wood, checking every crevice of the first cabinet. slightly disappointed with the fact that he couldn't find anything. he quickly moved to the last one and repeated the same action.

a hiss leaving his lips as a sharp pain erupted through the inner part of his hand. he quickly retracted it, his eyes widening at the blood seeping down. a jagged cut diagonally placed upon his palm, "fuck" he hissed silently against the cool air, scared that if he was too loud something bad would happen.

his eyes widened once he realized what had happened, and he gently pushed himself up with the tip of his toes. his eyes widening at the view in front of him. a jagged old knife painted with fresh blood spots covered the broken wooden cabinet. his mouth held slightly agape as he put his hands up to grab the knife, slightly hesitating to grab it.

yeonjun looked around the room that held him captive, fear creeping up his spine as his fingers inched toward the knife. he was terrified to grab it, what if soobin had cameras and yeonjun didn't know? what if this was all a trap? what if this wasn't real at all, and yeonjun was just dreaming? "yeonjun calm yourself, it's simple." he whispered to himself, "just grab it and hide it." he added. eyes flickering over to the mattress that soobin left, which resulted in never being used since yeonjun stayed chained up to the wall most of the time.

yeonjun groaned at the task at hand, his nerves bubbling in his stomach. you'd think he would be happy with the result, which while he is in a way, he's also extremely nervous. he must take the risk of soobin finding out that he found the hidden knife. yeonjun felt a constant battle in his mind, his mind racing with the possibilities of what if.

a slight thump at the door caused yeonjun's eyes to widen and he quickly grabbed the knife. running over to the mattress that lay in the corner of the room, pushing it under the white material so that it would not be seen. the door slightly opened, and yeonjuns eyes widened as he realized that the cabinet door was still open.

"fuck" he whispered.

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