Start from the beginning

With a sigh and a nod, I complied. I turned away, rolling my eyes in annoyance while mimicking his tone and demeanor under my breath. Venturing a few paces away from him, I explored the forest, determined to gather some ingredients on my own, despite his likely doubts about my abilities to do so.

Further down, I descended towards a steep decline, enticed by a flourishing stream teeming with additional ingredients. After collecting what I needed, I cleansed the soil from my hands using the stream's crystal-clear waters. As I washed away the remnants of the task, a series of heavy huffs and growls began to echo from the opposite end of the lively stream.

My entire body turned numb the moment my gaze fell upon a massive grizzly bear.

Instinctively, I leaped to my feet as the bear began to charge towards me, sending water splashing up  into the air along with its thunderous roar.

Just before I was sure that I had become the bear's evening meal, another massive animal had appeared out of nowhere. The large white wolf landed right before me in a fit of loud aggressive growls. The massive bear roared and stood up on its hind legs, only to be contested by the much bigger wolf who was able to do the same exact posture without any plans of backing down.

Growls reverberated between the two formidable beasts as they undoubtedly prepared to engage in a fierce battle, employing every ounce of their strength. The bear swung its powerful claws like a bludgeon, relentlessly striking the white wolf, only to fall victim to a momentary lapse in defense. Seizing the opportunity with breathtaking agility, the wolf deftly maneuvered behind the bear and, with a display of formidable force, clamped its powerful jaws around the bear's neck. The bear's tortured struggles ceased abruptly as the wolf viciously snapped its neck with a swift motion. The victorious wolf watched as the massive bear collapsed upon a bed of leaves, placing its menacing claws over the lifeless belly with an instinctive guttural howl that pierced the stillness of the forest.

After a brief interlude of territorial triumph, the wolf gradually lowered its head, snarls resonating through the air. In a mesmerizing transformation, the majestic creature's tall and muscular physique dwindled, its lustrous white fur receding only to reveal the familiar, soft ivory skin that belonged to none other than Nikolai.

My breath hitched at the view of Nikolai's naked chiseled body, a tint of the sun coalescing with his sun kissed skin helped define every muscle, ab, and contour of his commanding physique. "I told you to stay close and you disobeyed me!" His voice resounded, brimming with disappointment as he walked past me to retrieve his clothes.

"I'm sorry! I-I swear I didn't mean to go that far!" I stammered, tearing my gaze away from the vision of his strong body on full display.

"Don't apologize, be better." He lowly huffed as he swiftly dressed himself once more, seamlessly resuming our journey back home as if nothing had ever happened.

As the sun began its descent amongst the forest, Nikolai and I made our way back to the comfort of his cabin. Our arms were laden with a bountiful harvest of herbs, collected meticulously to serve as the key ingredients for our potent concoctions and soothing ointments. 

Once we entered, an air of excitement intertwined with the scent of herbs as well as the crackling hearth he had started. Together, we carefully arranged the gathered herbs on the kitchen island, their vibrant colors and essences practically beckoning us closer. I watched intently as we measured, mixed, and worked the herbs, their unique properties melding together.

Nikolai took off his jacket, his calloused hands guiding mine with a gentle precision as we used the mortar and pestle. "Now when you're doing this, make sure that the consistency is even all around, don't be lazy." He whispered right behind my ear as I nodded. "Make sure to pay attention to the sides as well because some of the stuff can get stuck, okay?"

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