All The Stars

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"Tell me what you gon' do to me
Confrontation ain't nothin' new to me

You can bring a bullet, bring a sword, a morgue

But you can't bring the truth to me"


"Miss Davis, I've been expecting you."

It had been a couple days since her last "adventure" and the time in between was spent chasing leads. She expected to find a small building, or maybe an alleyway with some crackheads rambling on about distant nothings and nonsense.

So she was shocked when she approached a grand building made of brick and concrete with an extravagantly patterned and sized window lying on a green roof.

The building was in Midtown, and with how attention gathering it was she was suprised she had never seen it, considering it looked like it had seen decades already. And a tall, white-skinned man came out to greet her. He wore a blue tunic along with some strange necklace, but despite his odd appearance he had a familiarity to him; as if she had met or at least seen him before.

"You were?" Destiny questioned how the stranger knew she was coming. The man welcomed her into the building, There was a large staircase in the center of the room leading up to another more central floor, the inside looked like a Victorian castle.

"Dr. Stephen Strange—" The man introduced himself with a bow, "—you questioning your powers, or how you got them." He explained why she was there to herself, adding to the shock she was already feeling.

"So what are you a wizard?" Destiny looked around the gigantic building.

"A sorcerer, the Sorcerer Supreme in fact." The man said it as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Destiny raised her eyebrows.

"Allow me to—" the man formed a portal?

With the wave of his hand a circular portal was created, sparks flew from it as it spun rapidly, as if it was actively cutting a hole in space to allow for whatever was happening to happen. He brought a book out of the portal and opened it, casting a vision into the air.

"From the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then, The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals, hurdling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence." He read from the pages of the book.

"Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. And Time." He listed the six stones out to her.

She stood in silence for a moment to allow herself to process all of this information.

"Where can I learn to do that portal trick?" She asked once she was done, she learned more details, but nothing too major that Thor hadn't already told her.

Stephen sighed, "You wish to become a master of the mystic arts?"

Destiny shrugged, "Sure, when do we start?"

Peter Parker

Peter's cell phone vibrated. He picked the broken phone up and read a message from an unknown number: 'Go to the janitor's closet.' It read.

Producer Man; W. Maximoff ² √Where stories live. Discover now