Because of Ohms shirt

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During the rest of the class I could feel everyone's eyes stare at me. Class was only half over but I couldn't help but feel awkward. I tried to stay behind everyone and hide myself away in a corner but it didn't work very well. Ohms constant staring wasn't helping either. I couldn't stand it anymore! I asked the teacher to use the bathroom but really I was going to ditch.

I quickly exited the gym and almost tripped on a tile. I was so flustered. I needed to clear my head from all these weird thoughts. I stomped over to my corner and stripped off Ohms shirt as fast as possible. I crumpled it up and threw it on the bench in front of me. "'Stupid Ohm and his stupid shirt!" I cursed at the crumpled pile. I crossed my arms and kicked the bench.

"Well, isn't this a site to see." A voice from behind me chuckled. "A pouting, half-naked Nanon."

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