✨️Jack - First (and Second) Date

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As you sat across from Jack in the cozy restaurant, you couldn't help but feel nervous. This was your first date, and you wanted everything to go perfectly.

Jack, on the other hand, seemed completely at ease. "So, Y/N, tell me about yourself," he said, flashing you a warm smile.

You took a deep breath, feeling your nerves start to fade away. "Well, I'm originally from Californian, but I moved here for work. I'm a graphic designer, I love being creative and making stuff."

Jack's eyes lit up. "That's so cool. I've always been amazed by art, but I'm terrible at drawing. Maybe you can teach me some tips sometime."

You laughed, feeling a sense of ease with Jack's easy going nature. "Sure thing, Jack. Maybe we can have an art night sometime."

"You know... me and Ryan have been looking for an artist to commission a cover for our soon to be new single." He said. His hazel eyes brightened up with curiosity.

"What, are you asking me to design you a song cover?" You asked, feeling both flattered and a bit nervous.

"Well only if you're interested of course." He said. Giving you a gentle warm smile.

"I'll think about it." You promised him.

As you and Jack continued to talk, you both discovered that you had a lot in common. You both loved movies, pets ,and listening to music. You and Jack laughed and joked, and a feeling of warmth and connection started between you.

As you two finished your meals and split the check, Jack turned to you with a smile. "I had a great time tonight, Y/N. Would you like to go out with me again sometime?"

You felt her heart flutter with excitement. "I would love to, Jack. How about we try that new Thai place that just opened up?"

Jack grinned. "Sounds perfect to me. How about next Saturday?"

You nodded, feeling grateful for the opportunity to see Jack again. "Next Saturday it is. I can't wait."

As you two walked out of the restaurant, Jack took your hand in his. You felt a sense of warmth and comfort, and started to feel a bit warm in your cheeks. "Thank you for a wonderful evening, Y/N," he said, looking into your eyes. "I'm so glad we met."

You smiled, feeling a sense of hope and possibility for the future. "Me too, Jack. I think we're going to have a lot of fun together."

On your second date, you and Jack went to the new Thai restaurant that you had suggested. You and Jack shared a plate of Pad Thai and talked about your favorite travel destinations.

"I've always wanted to go to Thailand," Jack said, taking a bite of noodles. "You know, for vacation, not for tour. Have you ever been there?"

You shook her head. "No, but it's definitely on my bucket list. I've heard the beaches are incredible."

Jack smiled. "Maybe we can plan a trip there together someday."

You felt a rush of excitement at the idea of traveling with Jack. "That sounds amazing. I would love to do that someday."

"I guess you should also meet my brothers someday." Jack said. "Ryan keeps asking to meet you." He said, a little embarrassed.

"Wait, really?" You looked at him curiously. You tried to make eye contact, but he kept his embarrassed glance down at the noodles.

"Well, tell Ryan that I'm also excited to meet him too." You said with confidence. You sat and enjoyed your noodles, in comfortable silence,.

"What's it like?" You asked, changing the subject. "What's what like?" Jack asked back confused.

"Making music and content for such a big audience?" You answered back. Jack thought a bit before answering.

"Well, it is a bit scary, there's no doubt about that." He said with a small chuckle. "But it's also so amazing to make something you're so passionate about and hearing fans tell you how much they like it." He added.

"Plus, I have my brothers with me. I will always be grateful for that." Jack said, talking of course about his two older brothers, Ryan and Adam.

You and Jack talked for what felt like hours, and when the night came to a close, Jack walked you to your car, feeling a sense of reluctance to say goodbye. "I had a great time tonight, Y/N," he said, taking your hand in his. "You make me feel so.... comfortable being myself!" He felt a little warm in his cheeks.

You smiled, feeling grateful for Jack's kind words. "I had a great time too, Jack. You make me feel the same way."

As you said goodbye and parted ways, you felt a sense of happiness and hope for the future. You knew that there was something special between you and Jack, and you couldn't wait to see where your relationship would lead you two.


Thanks for reading!

Love you all, hug a friend, drink water, touch grass, AND remember to take care of yourself!

You are loved, and I hope you will have an amazing week!

-T ❤️

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