Chapter 22 [Rana saa is injured]

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Maybe she is Right , maybe I can try for Once ?
But can I be the kid he loved ever again can i give Him back his Brother and will he accept me ?

These questions kept on stopping me it's not like I never tried I did try Every day I try to go talk to him but again again feel my feet pause at the entrance !

So here again I was now Looking at my elder Brother who was speaking to the Ministers and Slowly moved forward to him to see The Ministers looking at me as they bowed down.

Abhimaan Pratap Singh Rathore is a man whom I look upto , and admire ! No one knew of the hardships he had faced but I did !

I did know each Bit of it and it pained me to know that। I too was a part of all this !

He did not deserve any of it !
The hurt The ignorance !

But I know just one person I dont beleive i know Abhimaan Pratap Singh Rathore !
I dont know the King Neither knew The prince !
I dont know the guy who studied from the Estates yet rules the hearts of People living in Marwar !
The Only Abhimaan I knew , know and the only Abhimaan I will remember till my death his Abhi bhaiya my Abhi bhaiya The Brother who would secretly sneak in chocolates for me , the one who taught me how to walk holding my little finger the Brother who protected me at Every cost !

Everyone says Abhimanyu Pratap Singh Rathore never lost anything but Only i knew I had lost My Brother and that was my greatest defeat !

I was lost on my own world when I heard a scream and Immediately Looked ahead at Bhai saa and felt my heart stop Beauting to see him holding his arms that was just struck by an arrow and blood was oozing out It !

"Bhaiya" The word rolled out my tongue as I held him by his shoulder and looked at the arrow and Immediately the Doors of The Royal Palace were closed to not let the one who Just shot the arrow at the king Out !

I noticed him trying to take the arrow out and Immediately held his hands stopping him and I closed my eyes taking of the arrow from his arm and heard him sigh !

"Vaidya ko bulao jaldi Rana saa ko teer lagi hai " I heard a gaurd yell and he rushed in and I slowly opened my eyes to see his Grey eyes Looking at me as if watching my each move and each emotion That crossed my face !

(Call the doctor fast The king is injured)

"Bhai saa andar chaliye" I said and Immediately took him inside While a Gaurd picked up the Arrow and said Something was written on it !

(Brother come in)

But my attention was completely on Abhimaan bhaiya as I Felt his eyes closing and Him losing balance yet he tried walking in and I Immediately wrapped his Other arm arround my shoulder and helped him walk and the Entire time I could feel him Looking at me !

I noticed as Bhabhi maa rushed to us and she seemed panicked Ofcourse she was worried !

Giving her a Assuring nod I helped Bhai saa sit down as Bhabhi held his other hand and looked at him urging him to keep his eyes open but I kept watching numb as his eyes closed Slowly and Even though he was the one who was injured I felt as if someone was Taking my soul out of this body !

Not Being able to see my unconscious Brother and my worried sister in law Who was trying to control her tears I walked out and looked at the doctor who was rushing in !

Amid The RathoresHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin