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Fala's pov

The gang went to find the flower while I was playing with panda rose "rose come let's make you a potion to help you talk" I took her hand and we went to dr.lefrog he mixed some ingredients and poured the potion on rose
"can you understand me now" rose asked "yes I said "well were are the others" they went to get a flower to cure you bc you are a panda" "oh right" she said we started the game truth or dare

"ok fala truth or dare " rose said "dare" "I dare you to go to your granny and trip and fall on her" then I went to granny and tripped on her "fala no princess falls on there granny get up RIGHT now" then me and rose burst out laughing

Hawks pov

We were looking for the flower when we saw a field "the flower must be there" I said we ran to there when a snake came out of nowhere I tried to freeze it but it kept on moving "let's corner it" doc went above the snake while gigi was our bait (bc snakes eat mouse and other stuff but gigi didn't get hurt) I made a cage and

Trapped the snake Inside we quickly the flower and I grabbed it "let's go" Said travis

Rose's pov:

Me and fala were just talking when the gang appeared they gave me the flower and I started glowing "it worked" Astoria called yhen haqk ran to me and hugged me "pumkin,I am so happy your a human again as a panda you were cute but as a human your much better "aww" the gang said in usion.

We were going to hang out when I saw someone call my name "Ethan" I called back I ran up to him and hugged him so tight he couldn't talk "rose I missed you too but I can't breathe" then the others came "rose who is this and why did you just hug him" "aww don't be jealous hawk he's my long lost brother" I said smirking "and rose who is this hawk" my brother said stepping in front of me hawk got very angry and annoyed "he's my boyfriend" " what you can't just date without my permission what if he hurts you" "I would never hurt her I love her" "hmm okay but if you dare do anything  I will hunt you down" "don't worry she's in safe hands" he said winking at me making me blush

"okay if your done arguing rose mind introducing us" astoria asked "oh right" " so ethan this is astoria rupunzel joy lefrog travis beast lingling ironfan fala snowhite hawk snowhite and shawn beast" I said pointing at them "nice meeting everyone" tgey nodded  "let's hve another sleepover at Cinderella castle so you guys can get to know my brother "okay everyone said

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