the keeper of the keys

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It was the chirping bids that awoke Reg from his slumber (odd, as he was usually up before them) though it wasn't long before he noticed the absence of warmth usual delivered by Barty's arm flung over his torso. Reggie opened his eyes to see four blurry shapes moving around the dorm. Which wouldn't have been strange if Regulus actually shared a dorm with four others. However, he did not, so the addition of Narcissa and Lucius was met with some confusion.

"Cissy?" He asked blearily.

Barty's head shot up from where he was rummaging through his trunk and Evan paused for a moment in his path to the bathroom, dark green towel in hand.

"Hey Reggie" Cissa began, glancing at her fiance. The Malfoy only nodded at Regulus.

When Evan and Barty resumed their tasks, Narcissa voiced her query.
"Draco seems enraptured by you..."

Reg sat up, pushing his curls away as they fell forward covering his eyes.

"He always sits with you and your friends. Did he... did he mention us at all? Did I do something?"

"Where could you possibly have gotten that idea from, Cissy?"

Perching on the end of his bed, she shrugged "I don't know, I just.... would I be a good parent?"

"The best."

With Narcissa reassured and Evans still wet hair a dark Blob plastered to his head, the boys joined Pandora on their way to the hall.

Dora looked exhausted but excitable and Reg smiled softly as she floated around them. Chatter only increase in volume as they neared the great hall. Barty almost didn't look bored.

Sitting down at the end of the table, the group waited impatiently. Voices around them were very loud but nonsensical. Evan looked distracted. He bit his lip and kept his hand in his pocket hovering over his wand.

A door to the left of the teachers table that Barty swore led to nothing opened and the kids from the future came out of it. Evans lip was bleeding.
Luna and Dragon trailed behind, chatting amicably and joined them. Luna decided to be nice.

"Are you alright, Mr Rosier? You look quite tense"

A relatively loud 'SHIT!' Covered most of her statement as Barty 'accidently' spilt juice on himself. But the damage had been done.

"Crouch! Detention!" McGonogal shouted, nostrils flared. "Never in all my years" and "such outright disrespect" and other such phrases followed, berating him. But no one was listening.

Instead they were staring at the chandelier that had caught fire when Evan tensed at Luna's question. Never question Evan when he's like that. Ever.

Then, as suddenly as the fire started, it died out and McGonogal, too, seemed to be finished. And Werewolf Mcwerewolf Jr, only every teachers favourite, asked to read.

"The keeper of the keys" He started and it seemed like everyone forgot about the incident.
Luna whispered an apology.

As Hagrid arrived and smoke Potter and friends whooped, Regulus rejoiced in the terror inflicted upon the Dursley's. While, Potter and Hyacinth Evans grinned at the description of their son, Reg remembered his conversation with his cousin.

Turning to Draco, he said "after breakfast, spend some time with your mother, will you? She's worried you don't like her or something"

"I love my mum!" Exclaimed Dragon in a whisper, "she used to send me all these little care packages and hampers and stuff."

Reg smiled, "Well show her you lover her then, yeah?"


And now Potter is famous? Regulus looked over to the boy in question as he finally received his hogwarts letter. He looked ordinary. A little uncomfortable maybe, but that was to be expected.

Then Hagrid, or moon-moon, started to explain the Potters deaths and Regulus found itself listening intently, hand clutching Bartys lower arm. Moon started to list those dead.

Marlene Mckinnon – from gryffindor.
Amelia Bones – an ex-syudent who had just started work at the ministry
Gideon and Fabian Prewitt – those funny twins.

There wasn't someone Regulus hadn't heard of.

And Harry Potter survived the killing curse. But how? That wasn't possible. There's no shield in the world that could protect you. At least not a spell.
What if you could deflect the curse another way?

Regulus agreed with Hagrid – there's no way the dark Lord was actually dead. But still, how weak would he be? Reggie found himself once more thinking of horcruxes. Did voldy really? If so, with being that weak, would you really have to fight Riddle at all? Or just defeat his horcrux(es), the only thing(s) keeping him alive.

As the chapter came to a close, Reg let go of Bartys arm. Helping himself to some owl shaped hash browns, Barty asked "why did he get expelled?"

Then, his eyes lighting up, he followed with "d'you reckon its  cause he's half giant?!"

"Not a clue and no." Answered Dora definitively as Reg's mind reeled with unsaid questions of his own.

Three tables away, Sirius Black refused to let go of a certain 'Jamie' or stop glaring at Barty Crouch Jr. Moony rolled his eyes. Just let the boys be goddamn happy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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