chapter 4 the boy who lived, what a title

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There were others staring at them now. Teachers, Reg's cousins, Sirius. The black heir just disappearing, dying, without explanation was something to be worried about.

Evan was stuck between glaring at those staring, asking draco questions about the future and examining Regulus for any signs of wear and tear like the mother hen he could sometimes be. He settled for awkwardly fiddling with his wand – tracing the grooves with well-practised fingers. Pandora seemed unaffected, but anyone who knew her could tell you her mind was racing; trying to decifer all the possible things to have happened, discovering the most likely. Barty, worried as he was for his Reg, wanted to move on. He stared at Potter, their Potter, daring him to read. And of course, the gryffindor did.

He picked up the book and quickly rushed out an explanation to the newcomers – all while determinedly ignoring barty's death stare.
"We, er, we got sent some books about you, harry" Potter looked at the aforementioned boy as if the confused fifteen year old was the only one worth talking too.

"And we, we're gonna read them. In hopes to amend. The, er. the future." For the first time in his life, Potter didn't sound to sure of himself.

Taking advantage of the explanation, everyone began to talk amongst themselves.

"Seriously, what spell?" Barty asked, enthused for the distraction and ever so eager to simply know.

"It was, responsa opusi, quite obviously from the Latin responsa..."

"Responsa opus, meaning we need answers" finished Reg thoughtfully.

"Yeah" Evan confirmed, "my dad taught it me."

"Your dad's a dick, by the way" said barty making Evan laugh and even Reg smiled just a bit.

"Wait, you guys are the reason I'm, we're, here?" Butted in dragon, whispering. He recieved nothing more than a slight nod of confirmation from Evan as the hall fell silent once more.

Potter was ready to start reading.
"And the old man hugged Mr Dursley around the middle and walked off..."

Regulus allowed himself a moment of self-congratulation as clearly the old man was Professor Flitwick in however many years time. However his thoughts quickly turned instead to focus his efforts on remembering all he could on the Philosopher's Stone.

His father, Orion, had mentioned once about the stone, claiming it had 'unimaginable powers' to which Reg had previously just rolled his eyes at. Now that he had an inkling that the dark lord was chasing immortality, was it really such a stretch that voldy wasn't really defeated? Or wasn't defeated fully? Could lord voldemort come back from the brink of death and make the elixir of life?

Possibly, likely, facing of against an eleven year old Harry Potter – otherwise he wouldn't be the 'main character'. But Harry clearly survives for there are seven books. One for each hogwarts year, presumably.

Ah, "Harry. Nasty common name if you ask me".

"Good job no one did ask you then, bitch" Regulus commented, dryly. Draco, Evan and Barty snorted.

So, Harry will end up living with these Dursley's, there's no other reason we'd be focusing on them. So Bluebell Evans and Potter must be dead too then. And siri, because he'd have taken the kid. (The idea that his brother dies upsets him more than it should, but Regulus isn't about to admit that.) Werewolf Mcwerewolf and Pettigrew too. And Evans' friends. Merlin, may as well be all of gryffindor!

Evan, across from him, smirked and sing-songed "jinxed it" as Potter said "how very wrong he was".

Then everyone's Jaws were on the floor as Dumbledore (forget privet drive he was unwelcome everywhere as far as Reg was concerned) popped out of the ground and, using what was obviously a deluminator not a 'put-outer' as Potter described, unlit the muggles lampposts.

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