"Who's 'we' ? I did not know any of that." Tristan said smiling. "Just keep driving. Eyes on the road."

As they approached the store, they see a familiar face. Eli Cooper. "Oh no, can't we go to another store? That guys a real pain in the ass." Tristan exclaimed. "Oh shush, we can't go to another store and take a long time, Paris would get even more mad."

"Wait, I take it back, he's working! This'll be fun" Tristan said having something in mind to mess with the dude. "Don't cause a fuss. I'll go candy section to get Brad's strips. In that time, you can get whatever you want, I'll pay since you're my guest." She said as both of them walked inside. They separated as Tristan went to where Eli was, Y/n obviously couldn't stop him so she had just hoped he would have some sense.

Tristan eyes him as he approached him. "Ooo, hello stock boy!" Tristan said in an amusing tone. "Dugray. What are you doing here?" Eli said a little frustrated. Even seeing him just gets him mad for some reason.

"Woah now, I just have a question!" He replied. "In your professional opinion.." he goes to grab the two flours in front of him. "Which one of these would make my cake fluffier?"

"Did you seriously drive out here just to be a jerk?" Eli questioned mad. "Oh no, I'm here with Y/n? We're here to get our friends snacks and obviously to make out." Tristan said saying the last part sarcastically to tease him.

Tristan knows Eli's intention and he definitely doesn't approve. There's already king piece marking her spot.

"Oh please, you guys don't even like eachother from what I heard."

"You heard wrong, we've already solved our problems and now we're all lovey dovey. Anyways back to the flour, I wouldn't wan- oops?" Tristan began the act and 'accidentally' dropped the flour for him to clean up.

"What the hell is your problem!?" Eli said fuming as he was about to grab on to Tristan's clothes, Y/n got there in time and separated the two pulling Tristan away to pay for the stuff. "I'm sorry about that, Eli! Talk to you in school!" She yelled out walking away to the cashiers front. "Sorry stock boy!" Tristan added.

"Tristan!" She quietly yelled as she was still grabbing on to his shoulders to quickly pull him. "Do you like me that much? Don't worry, I won't go away." He said referring to the tight grip Y/n had on him.

"Shut up and get the car ready outside." She ordered him. He obviously obeyed and went out as she payed for the stuff.


"Alright, bye Paris! Bye Brad!" Y/n said as she was closing the door. Practice had finally finished and it wasn't so bad this time. Y/n could taste the sense of relief she had when it was over. Only problem is that Tristan Dugray is still here. Is it really a problem?

"Tristan, what are you still doing here?" She approached him exhausted. "I want to sleep over, I'm too tired to drive." He replied blatantly. "Excuse me? Sleep over? I mean I-" She said shocked having the wrong ideas in mind.

"Woah, what are you thinking, L/n? You seem too worked up about this." He said smirking. "You can sleep over it's whatever and I wasn't thinking of anything!" She says running up the stairs to her room.

This wasn't the first time Dugray had slept over, actually they've had sleepover more often than you think, but that was all when they were younger.

The first time it happened was when Tristan was stuck in Y/n's home because of a thunderstorm that was happening. It wasn't that bad, Tristan could've gotten picked up but he was so scared.

"I don't want to g-go home. I'm scared, Y/-" he screeched before finishing his sentence as a lightning struck. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm here. Just sleep here with me and you'll be fine. I promise!" She replies as she went over to hug poor Tristan. Of course, he had probably already gotten over this huge scare of thunderstorms, but he appreciated Y/n for being a huge help in the process.


"Hey, so do I pick this shampoo or this shampoo?" Tristan yelled from the shower. "You realize I can't see right!? Just use any." Y/n yelled back unbelievably.

"You should come in here with me to check!" He said smirking.

"Shut up, pervert! Just hurry up already."

Y/n wanted to sleep but she can't because of a rule they had abided since they were kids. When they sleepover, both had to be in bed before sleeping. 'What a dumb rule.' She thought as her eyes were closing on her.


Im not sure if you guys know already but this isn't following the storyline w Rory
That's why the play had begun first before her outburst 😭 but I hope you guys enjoy nonetheless.

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