Charlotte 'Charlie' Blackwood

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Summary: Reader and Charlotte fight. Which ends in them not being friends. Maverick then feels the need to teach reader a lesson and things spiral.

F/A/S = Angst

(Male or Gn reader btw, vry sry to my female readers <3)

Groaning at the sound of my door being furiously pounded at, I got up grabbing a random pair of sweats that were on the floor and throwing them on. Looking around the mess on the floor I didnt bother with a top. Not seeing the point as it was roasting already despite it only being 7:42 in the morning.

Walking down the stair, the knocking got even louder as I got closer. "Alright, alright! Im coming, im coming." My voice came out raspy as I called out to the person at my door. Opening it up, I was pushed inside straight away and the door was closed "Uhm, hello to you to charlotte" infront of me stood a very distressed Charlotte. Before she even spoke I knew who it would be about so I walked off into the kitchen.

As soon as I was in there, I grabbed a cold can that had been sitting in the fridge and an apple for breakfast. Walking back to my living room she was pacing up and down infront of the sofa. The soft cracking open of the can stopped her, pulling her out of her thoughts as I took a drink from it. "You shouldnt drink in the morning m/n, its not healthy."

Rolling my eyes at that I took another drink from it before placing it down. "What did summer boy do this time?"  Laughing silently at my own joke I meet Charlottes eyes, as she looks at me in disbelief. "You are so predictable! Nothing happened. And his name is Pete, you would know that if you hung out with him" scoffing at her I got up befofe pointig at the door. "Your my bestfriend and all Charlotte, but you cant just expect me to want to get along with your newest boy-toy"

Charlotte looked upset at me, despite everything I couldnt handle being yelled at over something that didnt concern me. "Why are you even like this m/n? Your usually helpful when I ask" bringing a hand up to my hair I ruffle it a bit before shrugging "Dunno, but Im tired and cant be arsed dealing with you now. So leave, and close the door behind you" picking up the can I downed it before leaving the empty one down on the table and walking away. "Fine! But consider this friendship done, m/n."

Walking up the stairs, I continued to ignore her until I heard the sound of my front door slamming, and a car driving away. Falling straight back into my bed I let myself curl up into a ball and fall back asleep. By the time I woke up again the day was mostly gone, it was now 3:58. Getting up from the bed I grabbed a new pair of trousers and a shirt, putting them on lazily. As soon as I headed downstairs a loud knock came from my front door.

Groaning at this, I walked over looking through the eye hole, I saw Pete standing outside. As soon as I opened the door, a fist connected with my face. "Thats for Charlotte" putting a hand up to my nose I wiped away the liquid that was know pouring from it. A coat of blood left a trail on my knuckles as I did. "What the fuck is your problem!? She decided that we werent friends" as soon as I finished my sentance, another punch was thrown, this time connecting with the side of my face near my eye. I knew there would be bruising later on.

"Stay away from her, and we wont have anymore problems" by now the blood had somewhat stopped, it was still leaking down my face. Watching as he turned around and went back to his bike I closed the door. Stumbling my way through the house into the bathroom.

The area around my eye was red, clearly from the punch I had recieved. The rest of the day I spent it cleaning up while also doing regular checks. By the end of the day my eye was completely swollen and I couldnt see out of it. Grabbing my keys from the key holder, I headed out. Locking the door on behind me as I walked towards my car.

Reaching the bar, a noticable bike was resting on the lawn. Sighing slightly I wandered inside going straight to the bar and ordering a drink. A few of the pilots were hanging around some in groups. Thanking the bartender for the drink, I walked over to one of the pool tables that currently had a game going. Not noticing the seat beside me had lowered as someone sat next to me. "Jesus, what happened to you" looking over at the person, I grinned at the sight of my good friend Tom Kasansky. "Kasansky, I could ask you the samething, you look terrible"

He returns the grin, giving a slight chuckle to my words before his face drops at the sight of my own. "Where'd ya get the busted nose and black eye?" By his words I could tell he was being serious bout the condintion I was in. "Had a run in with a guy, he threw a few before leaving. Nothing outta the norm" I didnt rat out Pete to being the guy I had the supposed 'run in' with. His hand came down on my shoulder just as his name was called for another round. "So hows things with blackwood?" Taking a large gulp of my drink I didnt answer. "That bad huh? She not like you or"

"We aint talking anymore. Might be good Im skipping town for a bit anyways" Leaving. Thats what I was doing. The job I got offered me a place somewhere else and I decided to take it. The idea of getting away from the place that had caused me so much trouble sounded refreshing. "Fair enough, make sure you visit though. Cant be forgetting my best friend" we continued to sit there and talk, getting drinks every now and again until I decided I needed to head home. Picking up my keys I wandered out to my car that was parked. Getting a few things out of it I locked it, knowing it wouldnt be sensable to drink with how I was.

The walk home was quiet, same with how my house was. The silence sucked. I had never been a fan of it but it was close to my friends tgats the only reason I stayed.

-Tiny time skip-
This was it. My bags were packed, Slider would be staying at my house keeping it safe for me when I was gone. All I had to do was drive to the airport. Saying a quick goodbye to Tom and Rick I got into the car, staring it up before driving off.

Can this be considered angst? Maybe??? Anyways I am back after a good few weeks of not writing. I have horrible memory when it cones to writing but im trying anyways feel free to send in request

Thanks and Goodbye :)

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