Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky

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Summary: Reader is a new female mechanic at Top Gun and runs into 'Iceman' while going to fix a broken F-14 Tomcat

F/S/A: Fluff


Walking beside Charlotte down the runway for the planes, I held my tool box in my left hand while Charlotte held my right lending me towards the F-14 that was in need of fixing. "Oh wait we cant go there just yet I have to be introduce to the pilots, I suppose you should be aswell" completely turning the other way, I stumbled trying to keep up with Charlottes fast pace as we turned to head towards the place in which she would meet the pilots.

"Uh, Charlotte, I just need to fix the F-14 and go, I have to get back to my shop" tugging my hand out of her grasp she haults to a stop "please Y/N it will be pretty simple, just introduce yourself" sighing i follow her again "You can, I just want to get to fixing this plane" mumbling underneath my breath as i continued to complain about having to talk to the pilots despie this I aimkessly followed her and somehow ended up standing infront of a group of males whom Charlotte was talking to.

Zoning out for most of it, I snapped back to reality once and for all as Charlotte tugged my arm. "Huh, what? Did I miss sonething" Looking at her I could see the look of disappointment as she shook her head before jesturing towards the pilots "Whats the problem? Oh! Theyve never seen a woman before?" Realizing I was wrong at the groan Charlotte let out I stood there even more confused "Nevermind. This is Y/N L/N she will be a mechanic here at topgun, you will only see her on some occasions"

A low wolf whistle was heard around the place from the back of the room causing me to roll my eyes "Sorry boys but Im a one time chance, I got a shop to take care of so ya wont be seeing me after this" Charlotte looks over at me pride briming her features at my words as she pats my shoulder giving me the signal to go and get started on the fixtures of the F-14 Tomcat

"Wait, Y/N, you dont know which one it is, one of the pilots can show you" I look at her as she skims through the names on the clipboard she had, looking over her shoulder to also view of the names I pointed towards one. "Kazansky, you will be her guide. The broken F-14 is down the runway the left side you should see it" not expecting who stood up to actually stand up I couldnt help but stare at the male who had. Happy with my choice I walked off despite being told to go with him.

The sun was belting through the few clouds that passed over, the runway practically empty as I walked along it to get to where I wanted to go, the F-14. Multiply if them lined it. All perfectly stationed no flaws or limitations on them yet. "She did tell me to lead you, why you so eager to get to it" The guy who had been trailing behind me finally spoke up. "Wouldve expected you to talk as soon as I did. Rumours say your cocky" a scoff was heard behind me as if my information was that insulting to him.

Nothing else was heard for the rest of the walk. Iceman had sped up in the end passing me to take the lead in where we headed. Getting to the F-14 a smirk came across my face. Fixtures like the one this specific aircraft needed were easy if you had a wrench and 5 minutes of time. "Thank you for bringing me, you should head back this wont take me long. Ill be gone before yer back anyways" I went straight to work not even caring whether or not he left. All I wanted was to get out of there quickly and get back to the shop.

The fixtures didnt take long just over an hour, some of the wiring completely demolished in what I presumed to be an attack on the engine of it. Nothing I couldnt handle. While working I had gathered quite the group of veiwers, whispers went around which I expected. I got them all the time nothing new. Looking over to see another annomaly with the aircraft I begun to doubt myself it getting it completely fixed up. The annomaly had to do with the radar wiring that would require me to take out the whole thing to rewire it and hopefully get it working again.

Looking at the watch on my arm, I knew that there was no way I was getting home in time to close up the shop and work on the finishing touches on the cars that were there. Charlottes voice finally rang out over it all. "Y/N, come and take a break youve been working none stop" climbing down from it I wandered over to her placing my hand on her shoulder I turned her around and begun walking away from the F-14 and the group of pilots that had gathered around it aswell

"In all my years, ive never once said this but... Its fucked. There is no way Im getting this fixed, its probably best just to scrap it" Charlottes face looked almost surprised before turning into a cheeky grin. Her laughter was quick to confuse me until she completely bending over clutching her stomach from laughing to much. "What?, oh cmon char, what ya laughing at" looking way to confused I walked out and whistled at the pilots catching their attention as I waved them over. Iceman, and a black haired boy wandered over. Grabbing the two by their wrist I dragged them to where Charlotte was.

By the time I got back she was still laughing. Tears were obviously in her eyes. "Whats this all bout?" Charlotte holded up a hand at me as if to say 'give me a minute' when she finally stopped she wiped her eyes, once she saw who I had managed to drag over to her, she smirked at me. "Gwan and explain so i can kick these two out" My accent was becoming clearer as I got more frustrated until it hit me. "You knew!? It couldnt be fixed and you dragged me here?" As soon as she nodded I shook my head in disbelief before chucking the wire clippers at her "Godamn Blackwood that was sumthin"

She handed me back the wire clippers I had thrown. "0-1 to Blackwood, you need to up your game L/N, but hey you got to meet the ice-" clamping my hand over her mouth i swiftly dragged her away, as she waved bye to them. Once we were far enough away, I put out my hand "truce? Ill come around here ever now again, and you dont mention that I wanted to meet Iceman?" She took my hand shaking it in agrement.


I dunno how to feel but its been over a week since I updated so here ya go

Thank you and Goodbye. :)

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