Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw

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Summary: Reader is Carole's bestfriend, who happens to be at thr bradshaw residence while Carols brother and his bestfriend are there what could possibly go wrong with a game of 7 minutes in heaven

(If anyone has forgotten, for Goose and Carols oneshots they are siblings, not a couple thanks)

F/S/A: Implied smut, but no smut


I sat on the end of my, bestfriend Caroles, bed as she looked through a magazine. The room mostly silent other than the soft flicking of pages whenever Carole turned the page. "Im bored, this was meant to be a fun sleepover and we've done nothing" looking over at her, I watched as she finally closed her magazine and rolled off her bed, only to get up quickly. "Well what do you want to do?" I saw as Caroles eyes lit up, I instantly knew she had some crazy idea that would either end in one of us getting arrested by the end of the night or one of us crying over a random dude we wouldnt have know for more than an hour.

"Carol, no, Im not getting arrested again" she was quick to giggle at my response, knowing that it did end up happening after we went out the last time. "Dont worry we will be in the house and you wont be arrested" sighing in relief over the reassurance that I wouldnt end up in a holding cell tonight, I glanced towards Carole in order for her to elborate on her idea. "Well, my brother and his friend, just so happen to be at home for the night so why dont we get them to play 7 minutes in heaven with us"

My eyes widened at the suggestion "No! Thats even worse than jail" I could tell Carole wasnt going to drop it by the smirk that she had. We had been bestfriends for ages so she knew exactly why I didnt want to go through with the idea "Oh cmon, it be so good, you might get to kiss my brother or his friend either way its a win" playfully slapping her shoulder I giggled at her suggestion knowing that she would absolutely hate me if I kissed her brothers bestfriend.

"Fine, fine. But you can ask them, and they better have the bottle for it" Carole was quick to get up and instantly grab my hand to drag me towards her brothers room. Going down the hills we kept giggling and shushing one another as we did so. As soon as we got to her brothers door, I pushed her to knock and waited for her as she did. The sound of knocking rang through the empty hallway as we both waited for the door to be opened.

The sound of scrambling to get the door was heard from inside the room, placing my head on Caroles shoulder in order to muffle my laughter I felt her also turn towards me in a fit of giggles, just as the door opened we finally straightened ourselves out. Inside we could see Nick trying to put on a tshirt and at the door we could see a shirtless Pete looking at the two if us awkwardly. Carole was the first to burst out laughing at Pete and I was quick to follow almost falling over her as she grabbed onto my shirt. "Are ye just gonna stand there giggling at us or are ye gonna tell us what ye came for"

Carole quickly resolved herself enough to ask them to join ye both to play 7 minutes in heaven. You both watched as the two looked at one another before nodding. "Hope ye have a bottle, me and Y/N said we werent drinking" Nick grabbed an empty beer bottle from the ground before following Pete out and locking his door.

Sitting down on the carpeted floor, Carole was quick to sit down beside me as the two boys sat opposite us with the bottle in the centre. "So how we gonna play this?" We all seemed to look towards Carole in hopes of getting any explanation from her. "So, basically we spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on we go into a room with for 7 minutes" noddimg at her explaination i looked at the bottle "So who goes first" Carole was quick to point at Nick "Nick can go first, lets get this game on the road"

The first few rounds went by pretty quickly, the pairings being very simple, not that much drama. "This is boring, and i want a drink now, Y/N you want anything?" Looking over at Carole as she got up frok the couch she was sitting on, I nodded getting up also to come out to the kitchen to get the drinks with her. "Yep, do you guys want a beer?" The two boys looked to be deep in a staring contest but both gave a thumbs up to my question.

Once we were out in the kitchen Carole grabbed my shoulders and begun frantically shaking me. "why havent you and my brother ended up in the room together" grabbing her hands to stop her I once again laugh at her. "Why havent you and pete ended up in the room together? Mhm" Carole was quick to start jokingly hitting me on the shoulder even when I begun moving to grab the boys two beers from the fridge.

"Have you our drinks or do I need to wait longer for ya?" I looked towards Carole to see her holding the two glasses of water and then begun to walk out to room the boys were in. Placing down all the drinks me and Carole went back to sitting "Alright I believe it is your turn Y/N" Grabbing the bottle by the middle I spun it waiting for it to stop. As soon as it did, it was easy to notice whom it did. "Finally!!! Ok kids into the rook you go, have fun and use protection!"

Getting up, i lend a hand to Nick and pulled him up, Walking down the hall with Carole trailing behind to lock the door for us. As soon as we entered the door she locked the door and we heard her happily skipped down the hallway. "She's going to forget we are in here" What I hadn't realise was Nicks arm that had made its home on my waist. "Perhaps its a good thing, means we can finally get aquainted in another way"

Before I can say anything Im cut of by Nick pressing his lips against mine, the simple jesture even to make me let out a small moam against his lips as he lets his hands wander down the small of my back and ass before letting them rest on my thighs. He gave a quick squeeze to them causing me to gasp into the kiss giving him the opertunity to slip his tongue into my month, instantly taking control.

He continued to take control, forcing ne to walk backwards until I hit the edge of a desk that was in the room. We finally broke apart, the need for air becoming more aparent. Sliding my hands up his shirt feeling the toned muscles that went from his stomach to his torso before coming down and out to rest them on his shoulders. "If we didnt have 5 minutes left in here, id fuck you till you were sobbing over my cock"

Grabbing at the hem of his shirt I pull it up and over his head before wrapping my legs around his waist, pulling him into me and wrapping my hands around his neck to pull him back down into another kiss. This next one was more demanding, his tongue instantly demanding entrance to my mouth which i happily granted, once again his hands wandered going from my waist to underneath my shirt to grasp onto my breast, usijg his fingers to roll my nipples in his hands as he did so.

Then next few minutes was spent with us just exploring one anothers bodies, nothing to crazy as we knew Carole and Pete would be racing down the hall at any moment to bust open the door. We finally pulled away fixing ourselves up and sitting down on the floor, making it seem as though all we had done was talk. "The next time we wont be leaving this room, until your fucked dumb and babbling bout how good it feels to be full up" My face instantly turned red at the dirtiness of his words depsite hearing them for the past few minutes "Please shut up" before he could go to say anything else Carole burst open the door.



Yk what for 2 chapters i say thats pretty good. This is 1478 words of written that took me possibly an hour Im going to write more tmro and as always request are welcome


Top Gun (1986) oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora