"I've never seen you make potions." You say.

"Cause i don't that often because i never have the time." Hunter says

"Whatever. Can we go home?" You mumble.

"Yeah, let's do that." Hunter nods.

You reach to grab his hand and he holds it. But then for some reason a shiver goes down his spine and he immediately lets go.

"What's wrong?" You say.

"Ah, nothing. Um... just.. nothing." Hunter says shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, I forgot to mention, when I was still masked, I saw you in the woods by the owl house, and you were crying." You say.

"Damn it." Hunter says.

"What were you crying about?" You say.

"It doesn't matter." He says.

"We shouldn't be talking about this anyway, it's not important." He says.

"Yes it is, I'm worried about you." You say.

"Well don't be, our conversations shouldn't revolve around pointless things like that." He says.

You put your hands in your pockets and glance at him and then back at your feet. Where did that come from?

The rest of the walk back was silent. Hunter was just staring at the ground with an angry look on his face. You kept staring at him every now and then to make sure he was okay.

When you reached the castle doors you both walked down the hallway to your rooms, and you stop to look at eachother.

"I'll work on that truth serum before I sleep." He says.

"Okay, no need to rush though." You say.

He shakes his head, and stares at you in awkward silence. He looks like he wants to say something or do something but he has a brick wall infront of him.

"Goodnight." He says and walks in the direction to his room.

"Hey..!" You say a little angry, grabbing his wrist.

"You're... not even gonna hug me or anything?" You say.

"N-No need to." He says nervously.

"Are you mad at me or something? You do think I'm weird now don't you? You hate me because I'm human don't you!" You say angrily.

"No- that's not it!" He grabs your shoulders.

"You're not weird at all, this new information doesn't change anything about you, you're still you." He says.

You glare at him.

"I promise!" He says.

"Then prove it, prove you still care about me, prove you still love me like you say you do." You say.

Hunters fists clench and her blushes nervously. He can't. Belos probably is more skeptical of him, he can't risk anything, and orders are orders, if he doesn't obey them, he'll be thrown out.

"I..." Hunter blushes.

You fold your arms and stare at him.

...but even if he will be thrown out. He doesn't want you to have the thought stuck in your mind he doesn't love you because you're a human, he doesn't want you to feel discriminated.

He looks around from left to right, even from up to down, and then looks back at you.

"What are you looking at?" You say.

UℕᏇℐℒℒℐℕᎶℒᎽ  ℐℕ  ℒᎾᏉℰ  Ꮗℐтℋ  ᎽᎾU (Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now