Chapter one Third person

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Luptin looked around cautiously as he creeped through the house careful not to wake anyone when suddenly he heard a voice
" Who arrrrrrrre you?"
It was soft, child like, and melodic with an undertone of a purr he turned around but could barely make out even the outline of shapes in the dark, thus making it impossible to spot the speaker, he took out his wand and slowly spinning in a circle, answered
" Remus lupin"
He heard a quiet thump that one would expect to hear when a cat jumped from a high place
" Passsswword?"
He tried to identify from where the voice with the strange hiss was coming from, listening for a heart beat but it was silent, suddenly he heard someone coming down the stairs before a light clicked on, and Sirius black appeared
"Quit your games kitten"
His voice was soft, which was saying a lot since he wasn't a very affectionate man
" Don't mind kitten, she likes to play around with newcomers, but she won't cause you any harm, just turn on a light and she runs away, can still hear us though"
Luptin nodded processing the new information, but he wasn't given much time to do that because a second later a very pissed off black cat came scurrying down the stairs, luptin reached down to pet her but she hissed at him and black grabbed his wrist and pulled it out of harms way
" I don't recommend touching her, in this form she will seriously hurt you and she is rarely seen her other one, heck, only I and now you know she's not just a cat that seems to appear after the "gowl", and there is good reason for that, Molly hates her as is......"
He was going to say something else but ( speak of the devil and they shall appear ) Molly Weasley came down to start on breakfast
" Nice to see you Remus, and Sirius, do something about your cat, she made a mess in Ginny's room, tore up some pillows"
Remus frowned
" why do you think it's her, doesn't crocksharks live here too?"
Molly waved her hand as if dismissing the notion
" But he's such a sweetheart, and she's........." Molly grimaced and waved her hand again but at the cat this time" that"
Sirius's frown deepened
" Molly you know that she has had a hard life if you had given her some time she would have opened up, but insulting her to her face is just making it worse "
But Molly didn't want to hear it, huffing and pushing past him Sirius sighed and the two men looked towards the small kitten that had pushed herself into a corner and was silently whimpering luptin sighed and black grabbed his arm pulling him to the kitchen muttering softly in his ear
" Come on, she will join us when she feels better"
Luptin nodded but didn't take his eyes off of her until she was out of sight

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