At the end of the night Harry walked Daphne back to the Slytherin rooms. He asked permission to kiss her, she agreed. It was a small chaste kiss, but both enjoyed it. They made arrangements to meet up after breakfast the following day. Blaise and Tracy stood not far from them. They knew Harry Potter being alone and near the Slytherin rooms could be trouble, and put him in danger, so they were keeping an eye on him until he left to head back to lion country. Neville at this time was snogging his girlfriend, Luna Lovegood, outside the Ravenclaw rooms.

Ever since the pranks had began, and the bullies had that word made of pimples on their foreheads, Luna had been left alone. None of her possession went missing, and none of her homework was destroyed. It seemed being pranked in a bullying way made the bullies realise that payback was a bitch. The main girls that had been bullying Luna never went to the Yule ball, in fact no one had seen them since the word bully appeared on their forehead. Only three girls had shown their faces and those were the ones that asked Harry to the ball.

The moment Harry stepped into the Gryffindor common room, Ron began yelling about evil Slytherin's. Harry ignored him and went straight to his bed and spelled his curtains closed. He quietly called Dixie so she could once again make Ron believe he was covered in spiders. Dixie grinned before she popped away. Harry waited only a few seconds before he heard Ron screaming about spiders. It was only another few seconds before it fell quiet. Now he could sleep without having to worry about Ron, or anyone else.

Harry had Hedwig deliver a letter to Daphne, and her friends. He asked if they wanted to have breakfast together and if they did want to then write yes on the note that Hedwig would return to him. He said if it was yes, to meet him, Neville and Luna up on the seventh floor corridor of the west side of the castle.

Harry was standing at the opened door to the room of requirement, but not the main door. Harry wanted to keep the room private for now, it gave him some time alone and to work on pranks with his house elves. So they worked their magic to add another door further down the corridor and the room would look like an ancient dining room from the days of the founders.

While Harry was waiting for the Slytherin's to join him, Neville and Luna were inside sitting at one of the tables the house elves had set for breakfast.

'I've never seen a door here before,' Blaise said.

'I found it at the start of our third year. I'm not sure why it revealed itself to me and no one else, but I do have a theory.'

'Explain soon, your note mentioned breakfast,' Daphne said.

'Of course my lady,' Harry gave an exaggerated bow making Tracy and Blaise laugh.

The four stepped inside to join Neville and Luna. As soon as they sat down three house elves popped into view.

'What would Master's friends like for breakfast?' Tally asked.

'You have your own house elves?' Blaise said.

'Yeah, a few actually.'

'What does Granger say about that?' Daphne asked.

'I don't give a shit what she has to say. If she had bothered to fully research house elves and their bond then she would know that freeing them doesn't do them any favours. Okay, I agree that things should change so the house elves can't be abused by their owners, but they need the bond which helps their magic.'

'It does, we have four house elves who we treat as servants, but we're friendly with them,' Daphne said.

The friends told the elves what they wanted, they popped away, 'So why do you think this room showed itself to you?' Tracy asked.

'Well, I was able to pull the sword of Gryffindor from the sorting hat when I faced the basilisk. I think the castle recognised me as someone worthy. This room was used by the founders and we all know that they put a bit of their own magic into the foundations of Hogwarts.'

'Are you telling us the monster of the chamber of secrets was a basilisk?' Tracy asked.

'Yeah, I thought you were all told when I was in hospital.'

'Dumbledore just said that monster had been taken care of and you saved Ginny from certain death. Some asked but the old man refused to say,' Neville said, 'I never mentioned it as I figured Hermione or Ron would have told you.'

'It was a basilisk about fifty feet long and had been here since Salazar built his hidden chamber. Before I explain more, can you tell me if you lot, not your parent's, you three, are you the type of person who would follow Voldemort?'

'No, my family do not support him or what Malfoy senior sprouts,' Daphne said. Tracy and Blaise said the same, but the three of them did say they were neutral since they wouldn't follow Dumbledore either.

'Okay, Lucius Malfoy slipped Ginny a diary, it was so she would open the chamber. He wanted Arthur Weasley in trouble for his muggle protection act or something like that. Anyway, the more Ginny wrote, the more Voldemort possessed her.'

'He possessed her,' Tracy whispered.

'Sorry, forgot to mention the diary belonged to Voldemort and left it in Malfoy's care. He decided to use it for his own gain. Anyway, she was lured down into the chamber where the memory of a young Voldemort was becoming solid. He was, or the diary was sucking the life out of Ginny. Voldemort or Tom as he was back then, a seventh year student and head boy. Since Ginny was writing in it, he learned a lot. He explained a few things to me and how he wanted to meet me to find out how I was able to defeat him. I told him straight, it had nothing to do with me, it was all my mother who was smarter than most. That's another story, anyway, Tom Marvolo Riddle was his full name, if you rearrange those letters you get I am Lord Voldemort. He's a halfblood by the way, muggle father, squib mother.'

The three Slytherin's were staring at Harry with shocked looks. It was then that the house elves popped back in and the table was loaded down with food, juice and tea.

They decided to leave any more talk about Voldemort until after breakfast.

Harry ended up telling the full story of the chamber of secrets and about Voldemort.

'None of them know he's not a pureblood. We don't care about all that, but many, like Malfoy, do,' Daphne said.

'He used the truth to lure them just never told them everything. He is the last descendant of Salazar Slytherin, so he was the heir of Slytherin. He's just a halfblood who hates muggles, but he also hates those purebloods like Malfoy. What better way to get back at the ones who would normally look down on him than make them his slaves. He wasn't really after a pureblood world, he just wanted complete power over the world and not just the magical world. He didn't like muggleborns, but he had nothing against halfbloods. Anyway, if anyone wanted to spread the truth, the name being an anagram would show them, then it's just a bit of research to find out about the Gaunt's and the Riddle's.'

'Why haven't you made sure it's out there?' Blaise said.

'I only found out the rest a few weeks back. But really, would people like Malfoy and Parkinson believe it if they found out it was me that released that information?'

'No, they wouldn't,' Daphne said.

'We'll work on making sure it's known. But thanks for breakfast Harry, and thank your elves as well. If you don't mind Tracy and I would like to be alone for a while.'

'Its fine and I'll tell the elves.'

'We're going to Harry.'

'Have fun,' Harry smiled at Neville and Luna who both blushed.

'Dobby, can you change the room from a dining room to a sitting room please?'

Seconds later they were both sitting in a very old fashioned sitting room.

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