at the end of the earth

Start from the beginning

Dorcas lets out a disbelieving laugh.
"I didn't think that would work!"

Marlene pretends to shudder comically,
"Knowing you, you could've thrown me into the sea-"

"Oh come on! I wouldn't have!"

Marlene raises a brow at her and the dark girl shakes with a silent laugher. She gets up and extends her hand to Marlene, helping her to her feet.

"Come on, I heard there's a street full of little stands with food and stuff up there."
She says, pointing at the top of the hill.
There are some other people up there, relaxing on blankets, eating, dancing to the music.. Some kids are getting colourful drawings done on their faces, it smells like grilled chicken and everyone is just- having fun.

Marlene decides that Canada is awesome.

So she lets Dorcas drag her along, bringing her up a narrow staircase to join the festivities and never, not once, dropping her hand.

They explore the street, go up and down its length a few times, eat too many mini coconut waffles at the most crowded food stand, give some loose change to the (at least) 5 different bands playing on the sidewalk, decide to get some drawings done in their faces as well, get some weird looks for it and never, not once, dropping each others hand.

As they observe the list of artists performing tonight, they get to the conclusion that 'what the fuck is up with us, we don't know any of these guys, we don't even speak french'.
They still decide on which ones they were gonna go see, choosing the ones with the
names that sounded the funniest.

And as the day goes by, as Dorcas' butterfly drawing on her forehead gets smeared away by the sweat from running and dancing around, as Marlene's own feet start to hurt from going back up the street for the 14th time, as they both fall onto each other on a nearby bench, she thinks to herself that 'god, this is awesome'.

And as Dorcas' clumsy hand finds her's for the million'th time today, she thinks to herself that 'holy shit, she is awesome'.

The music was blasting in Marlene's ears, a bit too loud even, but in a way that made her ecstatic. The way only concerts could make her feel, even if the songs were french and she couldn't understand anything that anyone in the crowd said.

And Dorcas, Dorcas with her braids flying around her head as she danced, her shirt hugging her chest in the most perfect way and her long never-ending legs.
Her arms over her head, jumping as if that was her dream concert and her favourite band (it wasn't), eyes closed with a smile on her lips.

Marlene couldn't help but stand there, unmoving.

The world slowed down.

She stared in awe as Dorcas threw her head back to cheer at the end of the song, clapping hands loudly and a wide smile on her face.

The band said something that she didn't understand and a slower song started. A soft melody, accompanied by a low voice muttering things in french, following the rythm of the music.
Dorcas turned to Marlene.

They locked eyes, both smiling softly.
As she looked at her friend, her eyes began to water. Dorcas looked so.. happy. So careless.

She looked like she put down her defences for once.

Dorcas took a step towards her and brought a hand to her cheek, running a thumb across the soft skin there.

"What's wrong love?"

She could barely hear her over the slow ballad, the calm voice of the signer doing nothing else than aggravate her state. A tear rolled down her cheek. Dorcas wiped it away.

Those tears weren't sad. They weren't only happy tears either. It was a state of too many emotions mixing all together, too much love, too much freedom, too much.
The feeling that in this instant, she was the happiest she'd ever been. And the happiest she'd ever be.

So, slowly, she reached up to hold Dorcas' cheek in her palm, her pale skin contrasting against the girl's dark one, like a canvas, a piece of art. The freckles on her own hand were constellations and Dorcas' skin was the night sky.

Their foreheads were pressed against one another. She didn't notice it happened, but it did. People were slow dancing around them, some people were crying,
Marlene was crying.
Dorcas was smiling.

As the song ended, Dorcas took her hand in her own and took her outside.
They could still hear the music coming out of the marquee where the band was still playing, top volume, people cheering.

The air smelled like salt, pancakes from the food stand and weed. They could see the stars.

They sat silently on the stairs that led down to the beach, Marlene made a move to lay her head on Dorcas' shoulder but she stopped her.
Took the blonde's head between both of her hands and turned her face towards her.

"Are you gonna cry again?" She said, a joking tone in her voice.

Marlene let out a wet laugh, sniffling. She wiped her eyes with an exaggerated determination.


And Dorcas leaned in.
And Dorcas kissed her lips. Just once.

Marlene looked at her, her heart beating with alarming speed.

"Are you sure?" She whispered, almost inaudible among the waves crashing on the shore near them.

Dorcas smiled.

And Marlene leaned in.
She'd never need anything more.

guys they're my BABIES!!
If you couldn't tell, that festival is something that i go to, it happens every summer, 2hrs away from my house. Cause yeah at my great despair, i'm french Canadian LMAO.

That festival's name is "festival du bout du monde" which translates pretty literally to "festival of the end of the earth", Which is the reason for this chapter's title.



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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