What we call comeback.

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This story takes place after the prank
Remus's pov, 6th year.

maybe one day you'll call me and tell me that you're sorry too.
-from the dining table
Harry Styles.

Remus is pissed, to put it lightly. He feels betrayed, he's exhausted from not getting any sleep, he's exhausted from life in general, he feels heartbroken and he overall feels like shit. Most importantly, he feels sadness. Like a deep pit inside him that he can never fill up, it keeps him from feeling like he could ever be stable, be normal, again.

'Everything is Sirius' fault.' he thinks.

Getting vengeance on the boy seems like a completely reasonable thing to do right now, even sounds like the only sane thing he could possibly think of. He actually had two options but one of them involved setting the whole school on fire, so he'll stick to the first plan for now.

The thing is, Remus knows Sirius more than he'd like to admit. And he knows exactly what strings to pull to get to the boy. Those strings, almost all controlled by one puppet master, one person who has immediate access to every negative emotions Sirius may feel. Said emotions that Remus exactly wants the boy to feel right at this moment.

Regulus Black.

He isn't playing fair, he knows it. But frankly, he couldn't care less, Sirius deserves it. He deserves all of it.

And Remus knows exactly what to do to set off all of Sirius' buttons.

And so, as he crosses the great hall at 7am exactly, with his head high and his back straight, he walks right past the Gryffindor's table.

He fantastically ignores the "Moony!" that James lets out and the hushed "what's he doin'??" from Peter and he keeps walking.

He also ignores the complete silence from Sirius, pretending he didn't feel a hurtful pang in his chest, convincing himself that it's for the best. After all he hates Sirius doesn't he? Right?

His heartbeat rising, he reaches the Slytherin's table. As he targets his (clueless) partner in crime, he feels a small smile tugging the corner of his lips. This was going to be good.

Regulus and a very pretty girl he knows to be named Dorcas Meadowes were sitting at a respectful distance on the same side of the table. On the other side, facing them, was the complete opposite interaction. Evan Rosier and a black haired guy that he doesn't know very well (Barty something if his memory's right) were sitting shoulder to shoulder, arms bumping every time they moved, quietly giggling with each other.

Remus took a big inspiration and pushed Dorcas to the side slightly, quickly sitting between her and Regulus.

"Well hello guys." He said, casually.
'Please play along please please please.'

Dorcas looked at him with a confused smile but she didn't seem too phased by his presence, that was good at least. He likes her, he decides.

Regulus, being his usual pissing off self, just seemed bored.

"Remus Lupin. What do we own the pleasure?"
he said sarcastically.

"Good morning Reggie," he took pleasure in the way Regulus' face twisted comically at the nickname, Dorcas stiffened a laugh. "I'm here to ask your help. Well. To ask a service."

"I don't offer my help to people your kind, Lupin. You can fuck off." He said, flatly.

"Don't you want to make Sirius mad?" he asked quickly, quite desperately. He needs to keep him interested.

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