57. Christmas of the Future

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The Yule holidays were one of Lyra's favourite times of year. The fire roaring, hot chocolates to warm oneself, presents, and most importantly, family.

Lyra's friends had joined her at the Le Fay Manor for Christmas, so the house was bustling with energy and joy. Dobby, Freya, Nieva, and even Kreacher were running round, making sure everything was perfect. Lyra had joined them. This would set a precedence for how they'd spend Christmas in the future. Sirius and Remus had to stop her from overworking herself to make it perfect. Remus had made sure she had frequent hot chocolate breaks, and Sirius had once threatened to tell on her to Tom if she didn't go to bed early enough.

Tom would be joining them Christmas Eve night. He'd told Lyra that he'd had a job to do and he'd see her soon. She'd pouted, but her quickly kissed her to cheer her up. He also whispered in her ear that she'd have to open this Christmas present, once again, away from her family. That had caused a shiver to go down her spine.

Lyra was just finishing going over some finishing details with the house elves, when an arm wrapped around her waist from behind. Tom nuzzled his head into her neck.

"How are you little star? Ready for tomorrow?" He'd asked huskily.

"I am now. Last touches are done. Everyone arrives before ten tomorrow morning" she muttered back.

"Good. Now, time to sleep. A little birdy told me you've been working to hard"

"A little bird, or a mangy dog?"

Tom laughed at her grumblings and guided her to their room for a much-needed rest.


The next morning, Lyra, her friends, and her family, were sat round the fire. The yule log burned brightly and bathed them all in warmth. Hot chocolates and coffees were being drunk, breakfast pastries and toast being eaten, and everyone was talking quietly to one another.

Dobby, once again, wore his little Santa hat to distribute presents. Kreacher, Freya, and Nieva were making a feast for lunch. Tom had sat Lyra on his lap to receive her presents. She noticed many of the couples had done the same, or they were sat next to each other. Lee had come with George and Lyra had welcomed him with open arms. Astoria had arrived with Daphne, much to their pleasure.

Lyra had given the go ahead to Dobby to distribute the presents. His ears flapped happily as he moved around to different people, handing them presents. Lyra smiled indulgently at him and kissed his cheeks when he handed her a few of hers. A blush graced his cheeks, and a smile grew on his face. Astoria kept hugging him when she got a present too, and Luna would kiss his head. Dobby was loving all the attention.

Most presents consisted of books, prank items - courtesy of the Weasley twins and Sirius - and jewellery. Lyra had gifted those in her court some traditional robes of the Camelot Council. She'd worked with King Ragnok to get them just right. She'd also got some for Sirius, Remus, and Tom. Lyra had also gifted to them, a chest of clothes, books, and jewellery that could be used in Camelot. Lee and Astoria had also received one. Astoria squealed at the dresses in the chest. Daphne had been right about her wanting to dress as a princess.

Lunch was served shortly after. The feast the house elves had put together was extraordinary. Turkey, beef, and salmon were the centrepieces of the meal. Potatoes, vegetables, cocktail sausages, and prawns were the sides. There were also jugs of gravy and small tureens of sauces. It was amazing.

Looking around the table, Lyra sighed contentedly. All her friends of family in one room, enjoying the holiday. Everyone was smiling, laughing, and chatting away about different subjects.

Draco and Ginny were giving each other ideas for names of a quidditch team in Camelot. Lyra realised she'd have to let them form one now, or she'd never hear the end of it.

Astoria and Luna were talking about Camelot, and what creatures they may find there. Luna was hoping to see extinct creatures, especially if they'd been protected. Astoria wanted to see a dragon that's domesticated. There was a knowing glint in Luna's eye at that declaration.

Fred, George, Lee, and Sirius were talking about their pranks in Hogwarts. Remus was interjecting occasionally with his own pranks he'd played. Apparently, he had played a few on his fellow Marauders. Sirius had looked amazed at his husband.

Daphne, Pansy, and Neville were having a more civilised and quiet conversation about plants and how each one had a different meaning that could be used in ceremonies. Pansy was writing down ideas, thinking of Lyra's coronation and bonding ceremony. Perhaps her other friends would let her plan their bonding's too.

Tom and Lyra looked at each other. He held her hand and squeezed it. She smiled at him.

"Happy little star?" He whispered to her as she looked around the table.

"Incredibly happy my darling. I cannot wait for this to be our lives. No Hogwarts. Just us together, away from the rest of the world. Only a year and a bit to go until that's a reality"

"Well, my gorgeous soulmate, it shall be yours. I'll make sure of it"


That night, after all her friends had gone home, Lyra sat with Tom in their suite. They had gotten ready for bed before Tom had told her that he had her main present from him to open. It was a small trunk this time. She opened it and gasped. It was full of crowns, tiaras, circlets, necklaces, and even bracelets. All gleamed with precious gems and were made of unique metals.

"Oh, Merlin. These are gorgeous. How? Why? I have so many already. I love them, but you didn't need to get me all of this"

"But, little star, that is where you are wrong. I would get you the world if I could. You are the queen. These are just a small price to see you rise into your true self. I love you" he told her passionately.

Lyra looked into his eyes and saw he was telling the truth. She teared up slightly.

"I love you too"

Tom pulled her up from her seat and kissed her, hard. Lyra kissed him back just as passionately. His hands went to her thighs and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Still kissing her, Tom walked her to the bed and laid her down on it. One hand went to the side of her head to keep his weight off her. The other hand glided up her waist, bunching up her nightgown.

When she moaned, Tom pulled back slightly. Lyra whimpered.

"If we carry on little star, I will not stop" he told her huskily.

"Then don't stop. I want this" she whispered back in his ear.

Tom shuddered and kissed her once more.

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