51. A Court is Formed

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Sirius and Remus had left Lyra at Le Fay manor, to go on their honeymoon. She had reassured them both plenty, that she could look after herself. Freya and Nieva had looked slightly offended by the insinuation that they couldn't look after their mistress, so they had ushered the couple out and told them to have fun and to stay away until September 1st. Lyra had laughed at the sight of Sirius and Remus being driven out by two house elves.

Immediately, Lyra had written to all her friends and offered for them to come over for a week. They'd all agreed, and the next day, the house was full of laughter. Freya and Nieva doted over all the children. They even doted on the many animals Lyra seemed to be collecting. Akasha could be found hanging around them when she wasn't with Lyra, because they fed her treats constantly. Hedwig and Fawkes also came by occasionally to get more treats. Freya was the one who made sure Buckbeak had enough ferrets to keep him going between hunts too.

Fred and George were talking how the shop was coming along. Soon they would be able to open and had invited them all to the grand opening the following week. Lyra was looking forward to it. Ginny was helping them over the summer as a job. She didn't want to stay home with Ron. Arthur had him on lockdown for the summer, doing chores and seeing a mind healer. Ginny still hadn't forgiven him for his actions against Lyra.

Luna was in the Le Fay Forest on a daily basis. She'd found many creatures within, and she loved to visit them. Lyra had Freya check on her periodically and give her food to feed the creatures. Neville would join her to take a look at the magical plants that grew wild in the forest.

Draco, Ginny, Blaise, and Theo rode their broomsticks around the grounds. There was no quidditch pitch, but they loved flying round after a snitch. Lyra had added some charms on it so that it would only fly around the grounds, and through the forest areas less populated by creatures, so they wouldn't be scared. She also joined them occasionally.

Pansy and Daphne spent their time exploring the manor. It was a rather old mansion that had many secret rooms and corridors to explore, including a portrait gallery with a huge painting of Morgana Le Fay. She was happy to divulge little secrets of the manor to Lyra, Pansy, and Daphne. Where the main artefacts could be found, and her own personal library with many older tomes of magic of the old religion. Lyra and Theo poured over those books for hours. They were in an older language, so Lyra asked for help from Merlin and Morgana to help teach it too her.

One night, the group had been sat around the dining table, eating dinner, when Draco made a comment that would lead to an enlightening conversation.

"I wish we could do this way more often. Especially after we graduate. We should live together in a huge castle with a wing each" he told them all teasingly with a small laugh. Luna just smiled widely at him with a slightly glazed look in her eye, that she only got when she saw something.

"Well now Draco has bought it up, there was something I wanted to ask you all. As you know, I will inherit the throne of Camelot and Albion after graduation. I was hoping that you would agree to positions on the royal council. You each have talents that would suit different roles. You don't have to agree, or you can take time to make your decisions. Families will be invited, at your discretion, to live in Camelot too. What do you all think?"

Silence fell, as all her friends looked at her in shock. Had she really just invited them to her actual court? Luna stood and bowed her head to Lyra.

"I humbly accept you offer, Your Majesty. I only ask that there may be a place in your castle for my father. He is the only family I have left"

"Of course. I shall see it done" Lyra told her with a smile. Dobby appeared with a quill and the journal Ginny had bought her the previous Christmas. She'd started writing her ideas in it for Camelot and Albion. She made a note of Luna's acceptance and her request for her father to live with them.

"You're serious about us living in Camelot with you? As your advisors?" Blaise asked in shock.

"Of course. You're my friends. The first true friends I've ever had. Why wouldn't I want you around? You never expected anything from me, you didn't manipulate me for my titles and fortune. You just wanted to be my friends. Even if you don't want to be a part of the council, I was going to invite you to live there anyway"

Fred and George glance at each other, grin, and rise from their chairs too.

"We also accept your offer, Majesty-" "-Upon our honour-" "-We would gladly serve"

Lyra giggled at their antics. She also made a note for them.

"Please don't call me Majesty. I haven't got my crown yet"

Pansy and Daphne also accepted straight away. They'd talk to their families to see if they would live with them.

"My younger sister, Astoria, will probably accept. She has always wanted to live in a castle, prancing round in fancy gowns" Daphne giggled out.

"I remember her saying that. She likes to pretend that Hogwarts is her castle occasionally" Ginny told them all. "I hang out with her, and a few others my year, when I'm not with you guys"

"She has always been kind to me" Luna said quietly. "She doesn't call me Loony Lovegood"

"Who calls you that? I'll set Akasha on anyone who does" Lyra growled out. She hated bullying, and she wouldn't stand for it, especially one of her closest friends; a member of her court.

Everyone looked outraged. Luna was the sweetest person, with the kindest soul, they'd ever met. Fred and George vowed to give her a few prank items for free, to ward off the bullies. The rest who would be at Hogwarts looked at one another. They silently agreed to take care of this together.

Soon, everyone else had accepted a place on her court. Together, they would change the Wizarding World. Lyra had told them all the positions they would have on her court.

Luna: Court Seer/Mistress of Prophecy

Draco: Treasurer/Master of Business

Theo: Historian/Master of Knowledge

Blaise: Spymaster/Master of Secrets

Neville: Herbologist/Master of Agriculture

Daphne: Stewardess/Mistress of Households

Pansy: Court Ritualist/Mistress of Ceremonies

Fred: Alchemist/Master of Mischief

George: Potioneer/Master of Chaos

Ginny: Strategist/Mistress of War

Lyra would eventually give them all descriptions of their positions and what their duties would be. She had told them that it would likely be the at end of summer when they finally got them. Her friends grabbed her in a group hug to celebrate the start of her court.

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