56. An Uneventful Year

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Lyra had returned to Hogwarts a few weeks prior. She'd settled once again into the Gryffindor Quarters. Her small court were regular visitors. After the events of Last year, Ron and Hermione had been stripped of their prefect titles. Neville and Lavender had got the badges instead. It had been offered to Lyra, but she'd turned it down, along with Quidditch Captain.

There had also been a few changes on the staff. Since McGonagall had become headmistress, she could no longer be Head of Gryffindor House. That honour had gone to Remus. Lyra had cheered loudest amongst the Gryffindors when it had been announced at the start of term feast. Slughorn had retaken the Head of Slytherin House position, since Tom had turned it down. He had wanted to spend as much time with Lyra as possible. He also knew that he'd leave when she did.

Hagrid had been sorted into Hufflepuff. His kind nature and loyalty really showing through. Every student cheered for him. The board had ordered his hut be renovated so he'd have better accommodations. Fang had adored his new bed area.

Ginny, Luna, and Astoria had become fifth-year prefects for their respective houses. Astoria had stated sitting with Lyra and her friends. Daphne had told her about the opportunity to live in Camelot after graduation and she'd jumped at the chance. Her first day sitting with them, she'd approached Lyra to thank her for extending the option to her. Lyra found Astoria sweet and kind. Her motives were honest and pure. So, Lyra had extended the invitation for her to join them. Daphne had smiled at her excitedly.

The amount of work in classes had doubled from last year. Lyra and her friends spent most of their time in the library. They would also help the three younger members of their group study for their O.W.Ls. The new classes were incredibly interesting, and the new teachers were popular amongst the students. Hogwarts was finally becoming the centre of excellence it was before Dumbledore. Especially after the renovations had been finished.

The dungeons were no longer freezing. They were still cooler than the rest of the school since some potions needed the stability of the cool air, but students no longer froze down there. Classrooms had been updated and new desks installed. Each class now required notebooks to take notes in, and parchment was for homework assignments only. The hospital wing had been completely renovated. New beds, screens, equipment, and storage areas had been installed. They also had mannequins which mimicked human tissue, bones, blood, and responses for the healing classes.

Lyra's personal favourite place that had been renovated, was the library. It had been expanded even more. Books were no longer censored. All kinds of books could now be found on its shelves. Traditions, etiquette, dark arts, core types, wand lore, and many more. Books in the restricted section needed advanced learning to be understood, and that's why they needed a professor's permission to remove them. Madam Pince, the librarian, was thrilled. The study area was larger, and student volunteers from the higher years, would spend their free periods helping the younger students.

Board meetings would now only take place once every three months. All financial damage from Dumbledore's schemes had been undone. Donors were now making larger donations, as they were now told exactly where their money was going. Some asked for their donations to go to certain departments, which was accommodated. Once a year, a board member would give the donors a tour of the school. Parts that needed more donations would be pointed out and explained in detail to them. There would them be a meal, followed by them watching a friendly scrimmage of quidditch. Two teams made up from all houses would play. It had gone down well, and donations had increased.

With all this positive change, Lyra still felt overwhelmed sometimes. She was keeping up with her work no problem, but she now had trouble sleeping. Akasha and Titus worried about her. One particularly bad night, Akasha slithered away to find Tom. He came into her quarters worried, Akasha draped over his shoulders.

Lyra looked up when he entered. She immediately ran into his arms. Tom caught her and held her close. He too, was struggling to sleep. Both were now too used to sleeping in each other's arms. She reached up on her tip toes to kiss him. They hadn't had much time together since Hogwarts started. Akasha had slithered off to sleep on Titus in the living area. When he felt the snake leave his shoulders, Tom bent down and lifted Lyra up. Her legs wrapped around his waist. Still locked in a kiss, Tom walked them backwards towards her bed. He gently placed her down and moved over her.

Tom moved his head down her neck, whilst a hand roamed over her nightgown. Lyra arched into his touch. He groaned. She was now pressing against a very sensitive part of his body. He pulled away. But he tucked her under her covers and got in to bed with her. She cuddled close to him. Within moments, they were both asleep.


Lyra had persuaded Tom to move into her rooms from then on. He didn't need much persuasion, as he too missed her. Remus had told Sirius on his weekend home. Sirius had laughed. It wouldn't be long until they bonded, he had mused to Remus. Their soulmate bond was now keeping them close.

When they had been on a call with their mirrors, Sirius bought it up to Lyra.

"How's it going, living with Lord Slytherin?" His smirk evident in his voice as well as on his face. Lyra blushed slightly.

"It's hard to be away from him for any length of time, papa. Is this normal?"

"It is Prongslette. Your bond is growing. Living together over the summer made it grow more. There's nothing wrong with that. But if he does hurt you, I will kick his arse. Dark Lord or not. I'll probably have help from my cousin's. And they are crazy. Don't tell Cissa or Andy I said that" he told her with a pale face, forgetting she was taught by them.

She laughed. "I won't. But I will tell Tom what you said"

"Good. I'm not scared of him"

"But you are of the females in the Black Family? Makes sense"

And so, Lyra's most uneventful year carried on until the Yule Holidays. She spent her time with her friends, all of them missing the twins, especially Pansy. Her nights were spent in her bed with Tom, reading and cuddling. She'd talk to Sirius constantly, have dinner with Moony once a week, and occasionally having tea and biscuits with McGonagall.

Tom would be returning home with her for the holidays. She was thrilled. Her friends would join them this year for Christmas. It was something to look forward too. Lyra was so happy now, she had to remind herself that this was all real. 

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