Chapter 9

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KEI STARED AT AIZAWA in absolute shock. "You.. what?" She asked. He sighed. "I want to put you into the hero course with Nezu's permission. Don't make me say it again, come on." He said, swivelling around and walking away.

She stumbles after him to Nezu's office and Aizawa didn't even need to knock as a enthusiastic 'come in!' was heard from inside, making Aizawa open the door.

She's beckoned inside and she flinches as the door slams shut. She stares into Nezu's eyes. She could see the knowledge behind those black eyes of his. It scared her, because Nezu knows practically everything. He could easily have found out she's Spider-Woman. In fact — he probably already knows.

"What's this about, Aizawa?" Nezu asked knowingly, sipping his tea. "I want to transfer Saito into the hero course." Aizawa said and Nezu hummed. "That's very surprising, coming from you." Nezu said, thoughtfully.

"She has the potential to become a hero, which seems like it has been severely overlooked." Aizawa said gruffly. "But I'm quirkless." Kei reminded him. Aizawa nearly rolled his eyes.

"So? You have a great combat ability and battle iq. You use your brains and knowledge with the help of a few support items. You're basically me — except I have a quirk erasing ability. Just because you lack one thing, doesn't mean you're weak. It just means you cover up that weak spot with a new strength, like your fighting style which disables quirks." Aizawa replied, looking at her.

"...What do you think about this, Miss Saito.? Do you want to join the hero course?" Nezu asked, watching her intently. "..honestly. I don't." Kei murmured. "How come?" Aizawa asked, he wasn't angry or anything. He was confused. Most kids would kill to even get a glimpse of UA's general studies, let alone the hero course.

"Graduating UA sounds like a great achievement at all. But what comes after isn't as appealing. Becoming a hero sounds great, sure. But there's always a dark side to such good. I don't want the hero commission breathing down my neck for a wrong doing, I don't want to be their little puppet like the other pro heros." Kei rambled before turning to Aizawa.

"No offense." She said. "None taken." He replied. "We don't know how many weapons the hero commission has made and by weapons, I mean.." She was cut off by Nezu. "Kids.." he said. Kei nodded.

"Don't you find it strange. How the kids form the orphanages go missing, specifically the ones with either villainous, strong or complicated quirks? I did some.. research *cough* hacking *cough* and saw multiple files of those children in the hero commissions records, all labelled with numbers and their training progress." Kei rambled.

"You hacked into the Hero Comission?" Aizawa asked in disbelief. "Not important." She waved him off. "But the fact that the hero commission is finding orphans and making them into weapons or assassins makes me sick. Especially the case of Kaina Tsutsumi, also known as Lady Nagant." Kei frowned, opening her phone and showing them her file.

"This is more serious than I thought." Nezu said, leaning back in his chair slightly. "Why didn't you report this before?" Aizawa asked. "I needed the right opportunity. A small but trustworthy audience to share my views and evidence with so I wouldn't be compromised while sharing it." Kei replied.

"I see. Thank you for this, Miss Saito. I'll look more into it." Nezu said. "Remember kid, there's always a place in the hero course for you." Aizawa said, placing a hand on her shoulder before leaving.

Kei smiled and bowed to Nezu who waved as she left. She ignored the crazed grin growing on the principals face as his cackles slowly fade out as she turns a corner of the hallway.

. . .

Kei dropped down on top of a building. She heard a thud behind her and glanced back. "Deadpool." She said. "Hey girl!" Deadpool grinned behind her mask, skipping over.

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