Chapter 8

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KEI SWEATDROPPED AS SHE looked around for a team. Sure, she came in second. But she knew they didn't want to team with her due to her 'lack' of quirk. She frowned. It's stupid that no one wanted to team with her due to her lack of quirk. She was quite smart and had some cool tech.

Someone tapped her shoulder, and she turned. She raised an eyebrow, seeing Midoriya. "Long time.. no see." Kei said, blinking at him. He sheepishly smiled. "Thanks for the help earlier." He muttered and Kei shrugged. "No problem. Now, what's up?" She asked and he looked away for a moment. "Can you join our team?!" He asked, bowing,

She blinked before frowning. "I can't. Who do you have on your team?" She asked and he pointed over to Hatsume and a girl with brown bobbed hair. She hummed. "Go for that guy for your last member. He has a quirk which could help greatly." She said, pointing to a boy with a birds head.

"Thanks." Midoriya smiled sheepishly, blushing before walking away. She sighed. It's not that she didn't want to be on Midoriya's team. But her lack of quirk will only make her deadweight. She looked at Midnight who frowned. "What do I do?" Kei asked Midnight who blinked before talking on an earpiece.

"You can sit out for this round with an automatic pass." Midnight said and Kei blinked in shock before bowing. "Thank you." She said and Midnight smirked, shooing her away.


Kei roamed the stalls outside. She found a stall with candy apples and smiled, paying for one before looking up at the giant screen outside. Watching as the Calvary battle started. She had given her points to Team Todoroki. It wasn't because Momo was on it. Definitely not.

She felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to the person and blinked. "Hey kid." A woman said. Her dark skin looked beautiful, the bunny ears on her head twitching. She had striking red eyes and a toothy smirk, she wore a leotard with a moon symbol on it, white boots to match and was muscular. The Rabbit Hero: Miruko

"You're the kid who came second in the first stage, right?" She asked and Kei nodded, sending her a nervous smile. "How do you feel about passing into the final round?" Miruko asked, crossing her arms.

"Ah, It feels nice I guess." Kei replied before blinking. "Do you want a candy apple? I'll pay." Kei asked and Miruko grinned. "I would be foolish to turn down free food." Miruko said and Kei snorted. "You would." She said, nodding in agreement.

They walked over to the stall, Kei buying a candy apple and handing it to Miruko, who ruffled Kei's hair and took a bite. "So, what's your big plan for the final round?" Miruko asked, throwing an arm around Kei's shoulders as they mindlessly walk around.

"Hmm. It's a surprise." Kei smirked and Miruko chuckled. "It better be awesome. I was rooting for you in the obstacle course." Miruko smirked and Kei raised an eyebrow. "Me? How come?" She asked.

"You had this fire in your eyes. One that I had only seen in true heros. Plus, you make use of the most basic moves to strive forward, many people think they need flashy moves to continue. It's stupid really." Miruko explained.

Kei smiled at her. "I'm glad I had the amazing Miruko cheering me on." Kei said and Miruko snorted. "Don't get too full of yourself. If you win, then you get bragging rights." Miruko said and Kei sent her a two fingered salute. "Yes Ma'am." She joked. She spent the rest of the second section chatting with Miruko while watching the Calvary battle.

She managed to get the pro hero's number by a stroke of luck. To her, Miruko was a true hero, just like Aizawa and All Might. They are her top three heros.


Kei walked into the arena. She was facing against Kaminari. She smirked, the boy was a long ranged fighter. She could work around this.

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