Workaholic (Request)

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Req: Anon on Tumblr:

hi!! could i request levi falling in love with a workaholic reader and he tries to push it down but literally cannot keep himself away 😭

 You signed another paper after spending twenty minutes writing about a single incident that happened in the field. It was nothing major; nobody got hurt. Two cadets went off-course for a moment but came back immediately. Yet, you were stuck doing paperwork for them because of their mistakes.

You sighed, placing the paper on top of the "finished work" pile. You stared at the intimidating stack of paperwork you were given and grabbed another.

Footsteps approached your room, then everything went quiet. Your eyes flickered to your door, then back to your paperwork when nothing happened. A few moments later, someone knocked. "Y/n," Levi called, "can I come in?"

"Yes," you replied, not setting your pen down as you continued to fill out paperwork.

Levi slowly opened the door and stared at you. His eyes were baggy and his voice was rough but soft as if he had just woken up. "Why are you still awake?" He questioned, crossing his arms.

"The sun just set," you replied, signing your name, "I just need to finish these papers."

Levi scoffed and sat across from you, tilting his head. "What time do you think it is?" He asked, staring at your paperwork.

You shrugged. "10 PM? 11? I don't know."

"It's 2 AM," he deadpanned, "and we have a mission tomorrow." You didn't respond as you kept filling out papers. "Y/n, look at me."

You sighed and looked at him with unamused eyes. He frowned when he noticed the exhaustion that spread across your face. He noticed how your lips were cracked from biting your lip while you were deep in thought, something he always found charming about you. He noticed how dark the bags under your eyes were.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to go to bed."

"Not until I finish all of this." You took another paper from the stack but Levi grabbed your wrist.

"Then," he hesitated. "Then let me help. You're running out of ink for your pen and you don't even have folders to file anything in," he said, letting your hand go. "We'll get everything done."

You stared at him, then at the stack of papers. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. Come on; take the papers with you. I have ink and folders in my office."

You stood, carrying the papers behind Levi as he led you to his office and opened the door. You sat on one side of his desk while he sat on the other, sliding pens and ink and folders to you.

Together, you worked in silence for a little while. Every now and then, you could feel his eyes on you, but you didn't say anything or even look his way. He was charming, but you were too focused on the work. Finally, he broke the silence. "Are you alright?"


He looked up from the work and stared at you again. "Your hand is trembling. Do you need to take a break?"


He sighed and stood, walking away for a moment. You noticed, as you worked, that missed his presence near you. You missed the quiet sighs and the sounds of his fingers grabbing a pen to write in his perfect handwriting. You missed the way he'd grab a paper and his hand would get so close to yours.

Finally, you looked up from the work and blinked for the first time in what felt like hours. Levi returned with tea for you and for him. You sipped from it, staring at him with a soft smile as he sat down again. "You remembered how I like my tea," you mumbled.


"I only told you once," you replied with a grin.

He stared at you. "I only needed to hear it once."

You nodded and continued working, going back into the trance of concentration. Your hand ached but at least you were getting a lot done.

An hour later, Levi picked up the last paper and filled it out, then stood and stretched. He opened his mouth to say something but then noticed how you were sound asleep on his desk, your arms supporting your head. "Nuisance," he muttered under his breath, trying to suppress his smile.

Bonus: (slight one-bed trope)

He couldn't just leave you there. Levi sighed and lifted you up gently, taking note of how your head rested on his shoulder so perfectly. He took you back to your room and place you on your bed. Your arms were still wrapped around his shoulders as he tucked you in and tried to pull away.

"Stay," you mumbled. Levi couldn't tell if you were asleep or not when you said that, but his heart melted in his chest as he sat on your bed beside you. He pulled the covers over himself, too, as your hands still wrapped around him.

"Idiot," he whispered as he closed his eyes. 

ミ★ 𝘓𝘦𝘷𝘪 𝘈𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now