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I could still read it I got changed and went out. By the time i was ready it was time for school to start. I was walking to the destination and saw Kacchan "Oi Deku where were you yesterday?"
"Oh um, I d-didn't feel well and went home."

"So why was there yelling yesterday when I walked by ur house?"

"My f-father was upset i I d-didn't tell him."


I continued to walk I got to where the card said to meet and by the time I got there I could barely move it hurt so bad I knocked on the door and when it opened I recognized him. "I want to accept your offer"
"Wonderful but you look awful what happend? Here come in I will get you patched up." He made a weird purple portal and when we walked in we were in a bar.
"So what would you want you villain name to be?"
He grabbed a hand held X-ray thing and scanned me.
"Um I haven't really thought of it yet to be honest."
"Oh my, it seemed you have 2 broken ribs. Can you tell me what happend?"
"My dad was upset that I didn't have a job."
"But you're 14, why does he want you to have a job?"
"My father just spends all his money on beer and he needs money to pay the bill."
"How long has he been abusive?"
"Um probably since I was 4 or 5"
"Okay what about your other scars?"
"Bullying and s-self harm."
"How long have you been doing self harm "around 3 months almost 4."
"What made you want to be a villain?"
"First all might said I couldn't be a hero, second for all the bullies, 3 for Kacchan and 4 for my dad to beg and pray for mercy."
"Ok, I'm going to clean you up it might hurt."
He was cleaning my cuts and scars that were showing.
"Do you mind taking off you clothes? Keep ur boxers on though."
I felt a little uncomfortable but I did it anyway. I saw him pause at all the scars I had.
"Do you want to stay at the base?"
"Is that possible, can I really!?"
"Yes, however it will take a week to set up is that ok with you?"
"I don't care how long it takes as long as I can get out of there."
"Perfect, but when i send you home i want you to do some exercises, if you want to be a villain you need to train. I'm going to give you some money to make it look like you have been at a job. If he asks where just say the bar."

As I went home I was met with a punch in the face by father. "The school called and said you haven't been going to school."
"I'm sorry father I was looking for jobs. I have a job at the bar now here's the money."
"Clean up you're blood it stinks."
I was still in a huge amount of pain the portal guy only cleaned them not heal them. But I was not going to show him I was weak. After I cleaned the blood I went to my room to do the exercises.

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