Italy - Una Notte Fuori

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We had an amazing day at the beach and when it was time to get back, I was determined to return here one day. Toto had sailed us back to the car and drove us back to the hotel. We showered and had dinner in the hotel garden. When we got back in the room, Toto had to make some phone calls and I decided to text Dan.

'Hey Dan, let's have a drink with Lewis and George?' I texted and texted the same question to Lewis and George. Within a few minutes we agreed on a meeting spot.

Toto was in between calls when I got up from the bed to get dressed.

"What are you doing?" He asked and took his glasses from his nose.

I smiled and walked over to him. "I am going for a drink with Lewis, George and Dan. And I was hoping you would join us?"

He tugged my arm and I cuddled into his side. "Let's stay here." He kissed the top of my head.

"No, let's get it over with, so that we can have the next few days to ourselves." I said and looked up at him. "I can go alone if you don't want to go?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, it's okay, you are right. Let's get it over with then." Toto said and I kissed him before returning to the closet.

We both got dressed in some shorts and a shirt. It was still very warm so there was no need for a sweater or jacket. We drove to a small town nearby with a s couple of small cafe's. There were zero to none people on the street so that made it easy for us to park and walk around. Lewis was already waiting on the main plaza and smiled when he saw us.

"Boss man, what a nice surprise, you never come to town with us." Lewis hugged Toto and then hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I dragged him into the car." I chuckled and Toto rolled his eyes.

"I love Italy, so I didn't need that much persuasion." Toto said

Lewis smiled and hummed, not really buying it but okay. George and Dan arrived together two minutes later. Bono and Michael were joining us as well.

"Toto, what a wonderful surprise!" George said and Bono just patted Toto on the back.

Toto huffed. "Okay, I really need to come with you guys more often, I get it." He said and everybody simply agreed. "It's not like I never go anywhere!" Toto growled

"Boss, with al due respect, the last time you joined us was at the Abu Dhabi after party. And before that, Monaco for a drink." Bono said and walked towards the bar we picked out.

Toto rolled his eyes, and without thinking, swung his arm around my shoulders. We were walking at the back of the group, but still.

We entered the cafe and ordered a round of drinks. The best thing ever happened that could happen that evening, a karaoke machine! I ran towards the stage and fired it up. To my surprise, the songs were pretty up to date. Peter and Michael started their first song, you sexy thing by hot chocolate, which wasn't very up to date. Their performance was outstanding, they even did a little dance. The booth we were seated in, was in the corner of the cafe. The couches were placed in a U formation so we could all see each other. Toto was seated in one of the corners, his legs where crossed and his left arm was placed on top of the back of the couch. That man is definitely gorgeous. I might have been staring for a little too long since he was staring back at me. He uncrossed his legs, spreading them wide and leaning back a little. My cheeks heated up as I caught myself looking at his crotch area.

I looked focused on Peter and Michael again, laughing at their performance. Lewis ordered two rounds of shots and a round of drinks that quickly resulted in a table full of empty glasses. It was my turn to sing or to order drinks, so I quickly stood from the couch to head over to the bar. Bono called me a baby but yelled his drink order after I left the table.

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