Max: You mean Britney..

George: He knows 😂😂

Lewis: Man.. Shut up

Alex: He needs his tea 🍵

Nico H: People should mind their own business and it would be more simple

K-mag: Did Gunther change your brain? Seems it's working now..

Val: We're always here for you, kid.

Seb: Always, Lando. ❤️

Val: But I know why the two idiots are like that

Max: Don't do that, Val

Charles: We know too, Val.

Val: I don't think you know that Arthur and his ex are back together


Charles: THE FUCK

Kimi: Are we talking about the guy who instantly smiles when he sees Ana? That Arthur? Because I don't believe it.


Mick: But Kimi is right. It can't be true.

Charles: Nah! I'll go and ask Enzo if he know something about this shit.

Seb: Language!!!

Private chat

Milk boy 🥛❤️: Thank you for the video ❤️

Capri Sun 🧃❤️: No problem, Lando. I hope I helped with something. They are so bad. I'm so sorry for you!

Milk boy 🥛❤️: It's okay, I guess. It's not that bad anymore.

Milk boy 🥛❤️: But did you see?

Capri Sun 🧃❤️: See what?

Milk boy🥛❤️: Now they are saying that you and Charles are together

Capri Sun 🧃❤️: They are so stupid I swear!!!

Milk boy 🥛❤️: Even I saw the FDA inscription. That's something 😂🙄

Capri Sun 🧃❤️: They can say whatever they want. I don't care that much about their opinions. You should do the same

Milk boy 🥛❤️: Already do

Milk boy 🥛❤️: But I'm sorry for you too!

Milk boy 🥛❤️: You and Arthur..

Capri Sun🧃❤️: It's okay, Lan

Milk boy 🥛❤️: But it's not!

Milk boy 🥛❤️: And I don't think he's back with his ex

Capri Sun 🧃❤️: But I do and it's the truth..

Milk boy 🥛❤️: Did you saw them together?

Capri Sun 🧃❤️: No, but that's not important. He's ex, currently gf, has announced that they are back.

Milk boy 🥛❤️: But she always did things like that.

Capri Sun 🧃❤️: Take care of you, Lan! Text me if you need anything ❤️

Milk boy: Love you! The same for you ❤️❤️

Capri Sun 🧃❤️: love you too ❤️❤️

Milk boy 🥛❤️: ❤️❤️❤️

Hey! Hey!

How's going? I hope you all are doing good! 🫶🏼

I realized that in a previous chapter I wrote "Lily, Alex's girlfriend". Sorry for the mistake! I forgot Alex is in a relationship with George for a moment 🥲

I am so stressed for this weekend!! I just want Ferrari on podium again.. If it's possible, both of them.

If Checo wins again, because is a street circuit, he'll be in top of the championships. 2023 the new 2016?? I don't think so! But yeah.

I hope Charles will have a good weekend! He deserves the best! And if Charles can't win.. I hope Max will win! My boys 🥹

Please Miami, give me another Lestappen podium! 🥹🥹🥹

I'm thinking to add Ollie and Dennis for a chapter in the group. What do you think?  The chapter will be about Arthur.

Love y'all! Thank you so much for everything! 🧡

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