~ Part five : For me ~

Start from the beginning

I walked out the hospital wing and walked to DADA with Lupin.
"Miss Malfoy, why are we late? " He asks.
"Hospital wing, I cut my hand open. " I smiled before walking to my seat.
"That's fine, turn to Page 45. We are still on the topic of Bogart's. " He smiled, passing me a book.
"Thanks." I smiled back. I took the book and started to jot down any important or key information.
My hand is fucking killing, so is my stomach. Only a few more days. Just breath. Okay so COMC
(Care of Magical Creatures) and Potions. At least I get to see black beauty and bat again.
"Miss Malfoy, it's time for your next lesson. " Lupin stood over my desk.
"Oh sorry sir. See you later. " I smiled before rushing out the classroom.

"'Ello Y/N, how are ya? " Hagrid asked.
"I'm fine, just my hand. " I smiled.
"What happened? " He asked.
"Cut my hand open, oh and can I see black beauty and bat today? " I asked.
"Of course, they are already waiting. " He smiled. I rushed off the minute those words slipped out his mouth.
"Black beauty! Bat! " I smiled and ran to them, giving them pets.
"Shall we go for a ride? " I ask, which they both nod. I hopped onto Black beauty's back and tapped her back, letting her know to start flying.
"This is so freeing! " I shouted as my hair blew in the wind.
"Let's go back down now! " I whispered in Black beauty's ear.

"Y/N! Have you eaten?! " Robin shouted as he ran over to me.
"No, as I said a few more days. I will be alright. " I smiled.
"No you will not be! But come on we have double potions! " He dragged me to potions.

We lined up at the door, even though I was standing still, I tripped over and got caught by Robin.
"Thanks." I smiled.
"Okay now you have to eat! " He ordered.
"In a few days. " I whispered, straightened my uniform.
"No, Now! " He spat.
"Don't do this now! " I said through my teeth.
"Just eat please! " He pleaded.
"Just wait until after potions. " I groaned.
"Fine! " He shouted as we got let into the classroom by Snape.

"Good afternoon class. " He called out, unenthusiasticly.
"Afternoon." The class called back.
"Today we will be brewing the draught of living death. Would anyone like to tell me what that is? " He asked. To which I put my hand up.
"Miss Malfoy? "
"The Draught of Living Death is an extremely powerful sleeping draught, sending the drinker into a deathlike slumber, similar to suspended animation. " I say.
"Correct, 10 points to Slytherin. " He awarded. I smiled.
"Look at page 58 in your book and start. " He ordered as he sat down.
"Y/N, I'm going to get the stuff, you read over the instructions. " He smiled as he stood up. I nodded and turned to the book.
"Okay now let's start. "

"Why is it not cutting! " Robin groaned in frustration.
"Because it's meant to be crushed. " I smiled before taking the blade and crushing it, then placing it in the cauldron.
"Ooh." Robin stood there in bewilderment. I yawned and held my eyes closed for a minute. Once I re-opened them my vision had went blurry and my head was spinning.
"R-Rob-." I got cut off by me falling and it all going black.

"Y/N! " Draco rushed to my side.
"Hi ferret boy. " I teased.
"You told me you had eaten! " He shouted.
"And im still not eating. " I said before turning my back and trying to fall back asleep.
"Don't you dare fucking fall back asleep, you need food! " He shouted.
"Too late. " I whispered before falling back into a slumber.

"Miss Malfoy, I have some medicine. " Madam promfey woke me.
"Thank you, but I really don't need it. " I smiled.
"You fainted and you need sugar to get your blood sugar levels back up. " She argued.
"Yes and I can do that myself. Goodnight Madam promfey. " I bowed before walking out the hospital wing and heading towards the Slytherin common room.

"Pure blood. " I muttered before walking in.
"Y/N! " Draco ran to me.
"Hi." I smiled.
"Have you eaten? " He asked.
"Yes." I lied.
"She is lying. " Robin said from behind me.
"Am not! " I argued.
"She told me she isn't going to eat for at least 3 more days. " He told Draco.
"That's it, I'm fucking telling." Draco said through his teeth before walking out the common room.
"Draco, No! " I cried.
"Y/N, someone has to do something." Robin reached out to me.
"Save it! You told him, then my parents will know and my dad will go fucking ballistic at me! He hates me enough as it is! " I shouted.
"He doesn't hate you. " A Baritone voice said. I quickly spun around and straightened my posture and wiped my tears.
"Professor." I bowed.
"Miss Malfoy, your brother came to me and said you are refusing to eat. Is that correct? " He asked.
"No." I spat.
"It is, she is lying! " Draco shouted.
"Miss Malfoy, please tell the truth before I have to use veritasim on you. " Snape said, pulling out a vial of liquid.
(I'm sorry if I got the spelling wrong)
"I have eaten and I am still eating! " I said.
"If so, come here so I can give you the veritasim. " Snape said. I walked to him and opened my mouth, and he poured in a few drops.
"Now,have you eaten? " Snape bent down. I tried to fight the potion.
"No." I told.
"How long have you not eaten for? " He asked.
"Four days. " I say.
"How much longer are you going to keep starving yourself? " He asks.
"Three days. " I looked down.
"Oh Y/N." Snape said taking me into his arms. Tears escaped my eyes, soaking his shirt.
"Please eat, for me. " Snape whispered.
"I don't want to. " I cried.
"For me. " He begged.
"Fine." I gave up.
"What do you want to eat? " He asks.
"Toast sound nice right now. " I smiled.
"I will go get you some, now off to bed you lot. " Snape ordered.
"Even me? " I ask.
"Yes, don't go to sleep and I will bring up some toast up soon. " The sides of his mouth twitched up.
"Okay, see you later Draco and Robin. " I say before walking up the stairs.

I sat on my bed, staring at the walls. My stomach growled loudly, my arms were starting to thin. My ribs were going more visable by the day, everything just made me hate my body more and more. A slow, quiet knock let me know Severus was at the door.
"Enter." I whispered.
"I have your toast, I didn't know if you wanted butter, chocolate spread or jam so I brought all three. " He closed the door.
"Aww Sev." I said.
"Okay which one? " He asked, walking to the story table.
"Butter on one and chocolate spread on the other. " I smiled.
"Okay, eat. " He pointed to the table and the toast.
"Okay." I smiled as I sat down, taking the piece of toast to my mouth. As the flavour hit my tongue, I knew I had been missing out.

After I had finished I walked over to my drawers and picked out my pajamas, which were a black crop top and black and green pants.

I went Inside the bathroom and got changed

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I went Inside the bathroom and got changed.
"Oh sorry Severus, I forgot you were here. " I apologized.
"It's fine, goodnight Miss Malfoy. " He made his way to the door.
"No please. Stay please. " I begged.
"Fine." He said, taking off his robes and undoing his belt and kicking off his shoes.
"Goodnight Sev." I yawned.
"Goodnight Y/N." he kissed me on the head.

A/N thank you for your patience on all the stories. And Congratulations to King Charles III and Queen Camila. As much as I don't like them, it was a wonderful ceremony. Anyways have a good day/night! byee!

The Shadows of Hogwarts ( Severus Snape x Student reader x Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now