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Enid's POV


"Wens-- I thi--" I got cut off by a loud blood curdling scream further in the woods below us..

Wens looked at me and we stood up she grabbed my hand and she looked back at the cliff before pulling me and we ran back to nevermore..

I was huffing leaning on our dorms door out of breath from the long run we just did..

"Shit.. That felt worse than that time the new principal made us run a marathon for a school event.." I say still out of breath and huffing..

I look up to wens.. she's shaking.. Really badly..

"Hey-- hey were okay.." I say slowly walking towards her

She hands me a water bottle her hands shaking as she raises it for me to take the water

She just nods going to her side then sitting in her chair but not beginning to write like usual..

So I walked up sitting on her bed "Are you alright willa..?" she looks up "I..--" she starts but nothing else came out "Its okay you don't have to talk now.. But.. Was.. Was that one of your visions-- is that why your so.. Disturbed? By it..?"

She nods slowly and I give her a small smile of reassurance

"We should get to bed.." I say getting up "we can talk about it whenever your ready" I smile at her again about to walk to my side..

But I felt a very cold hand grab my wrist "hmm..?" I exclaim turning to face her she just looks me in the eye then at her bed then back at me "Ohh?" I just smiled then nodded

I get in her bed her letting go of my wrist I scootch to the other side so she can get in as I get in the covers..

She gets in and clings onto me desperately-- "I-- wh--" I say in shock but wrap my arms around her noticing how really shaken up she is.. The vision must've been really really bad.. To make her like this--

Not gonna lie.. But I'm gonna enjoy this for now- Its not everyday you get to cuddle the Wednesday Addams..

drifting off to sleep seeing that she already did.. A smile plastered on my face..

5:13 am

I get woken up by wens jolting up "ENID!?" I rushed out of bed in a fighting stance again "WHAT WHO WHERE?!?!" Still drowsy but my claws were out

She cups my face checking all over as I retracted my nails rubbing my eyes with a yawn-- "What happened--?"

She shook her head "I.. I apologize.. I didn't mean to scare you.. or make you worry."

"Who are you and what did you do to my wednesday?" I say jokingly with a eyebrow raised

"Your wednesday?" she questions

"I-- I meant--"

"Sinclair. I do not belong to anyone. Not now, not ever."

I sigh chuckling "I just meant like.. My wednesday because apologizing isn't really your thing yk--" rubbing the back of my neck

"I am aware I do not apologize often. But I am still not your wednesday."

I just chuckle sitting back on her bed "Are we still gonna sleep or?" I ask

"I am not sure. But I do want to tell you about the vision now." she says looking away from me "You don't have to if your not ready willa.." I assured her

"I know enie. I am sure." she says as I smile at the nickname.. Thats the second time now-! "If your really sure then.. Go on I guess-"

"I had a vision. Of the person who threw the brick at our window. They have this.. Hideout? In the forest but I am not sure where because it is pretty big." she explains I just nodded to let her know I'm listening

"And well.. When the figure that night where I threw a knife at them.. It.. It kind of looked familiar but I didn't want to think that and come to my own conclusions like last time. Because it didn't end well." she continues

"So.. I just ignored it. But then I had another vision.. With.. With that same scream from last night.. And.. And what I thought at first was right.. it was him." she finishes

"Wha-- was who..?" I question now kind of scared because of her expression.. Its not her usual gloomy deadpan expression..

"Tyler." She says with venom and a hint of fear.. But I know its not for herself..

My eyes widened the memories and trauma came crashing back flashing before my eyes like a movie on loop..


778 words



Also I'm lowkey thinking about making a story about wenclair x oc, bc I got inspired by some art I made WSHDHSHSH

The said art:

Its more of a sketch but owell WSHSHSHSH

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Its more of a sketch but owell WSHSHSHSH

Tell me if yall would want to read sum like that~!

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