So with every step back he took, I took a step forward.

The words left my mouth before I even thought the sentences through and it hurt me to see a pained expression on Chase's face. I didn't know why I was like this and I wished I would just calm down and think before speaking but it was a wish I didn't see happening anytime soon.

The further I got into his living room, the clearer the scents got and they made me angry. And when I was angry, I wasn't the most logical thinker; especially with my words.

The shirt he had on right now belonged to Jay, my older brothers friend. And my buddy did say he saw Chase getting carried by him, but that didn't explain why Chase was wearing his shirt right now.

And if my eyes were correctly seeing everything in this living room clearly, Jay's shirt was the ONLY thing Chase had on. I saw a pair of his boxers and shorts behind him on the floor right near the side of the couch clearly.

It was like I came in at a bad time but just thinking about him trying to get off to Jay's scent made my blood hot.

It wasn't voluntary but my instincts wanted to claim him as mine so just seeing another male trying to rub his scent all over him pissed me off.

And speaking of other males, I smelt that human brat in here way stronger than Jay's woodsy scent. It literally reeked in here so much, someone could've convinced me that this was his house instead of Chase's.

"Why are you still here if you got your answer? He told me my body changed because I was mate's with someone with Alpha blood. But you clearly rejected me so why does it matter who I sleep with?" Chase asked me loudly, referring to the pack doctor he saw, shaking as he continued to back up.

Then his back finally hit the arm of my couch causing a small gasp to escape his lips. So I took that chance to stand right in between his short legs.

I stared down at him, our eyes locking as I processed everything he just told me. I looked into his green eyes in thought as I saw that scared expression on his pretty face.

So the doctor told him his body becoming an omega one was related to us being mates? It was genetically confusing to even think about truthfully. Out of nowhere this body just randomly goes into heat and on the night of the full moon no less, and it was my fault?

The rejection thing was on me completely. I admit that. I didn't regret it at all before coming to his apartment but this whole situation was starting to change.

Me rejecting him made him have sex with a human to relive himself and that could be dangerous for all of us as a pack in the long run. He could end up hurting that ugly guy on accidentally pretty badly. And after seeing the type of wounds a wolf in heat can cause, humans are definitely going to want to investigate if this continued.

"I needed to see if you were an omega with my own eyes. And now that I did, I'm going to be off. Be a good boy and listen to the doctor and keep those legs shut ok?" I told him lowly before stepping away from him.

I figured out that he has a problem controlling his pheromones. One second they're barely noticeable then the next, it's the only thing I can smell in this entire apartment.

It was so strong it over powered that human smell that lingered in here along with Jay's and probably my own scent too.

I needed to get out of here before I lost my composure and quickly.

He was starting to look at me lustfully which was out of character for him and I wasn't as strong as my older brother when it came to holding back.

Chase was destined to be my mate and now that he was an omega, the chances of me not controlling myself around him was higher.

I felt myself starting to get aroused by his scent so I turned away from him and started walking towards the front door to his apartment.

But I didn't even get to make it to the door before I felt something soft and plushy hit the back of my head.

"Are you trying to make me mad?" I asked him curiously as I turned around with a frown on my face.

I picked up the strangely soft item from the ground where it fell after hitting me, only to notice it was a chicken pillow.

His pheromones suddenly started retreating again but since they were so irregular, I couldn't time when they might come back or if they were going to come back even stronger.

So I needed to get out of here before I hurt him or end up hurting the both of us.

"T-This is your fault! You rejected me so my body became like this and now you're just going to leave me in this state knowing you're the only one that can cure this?! You're a jerk and a total asshole! Ugh I wish so much that Travis takes a nap and just comes back to check on me so I can fuck him here on this couch instead of being stuck here thinking of you!" Chase shouted and I felt my eye twitch.

I started walking over to him quickly to explain the situation better but then he shut his eyes tightly.

Once I saw him start to shake again, I just decided to drop it. We'd talk about it whenever his heat ended.

I left the weird squishy pillow on the couch and just walked back towards my goal of leaving. I unlocked the door and slipped out. I double checked that I locked it behind me by twisting the handle.

Once I was out of his apartment, I sighed lowly before looking down at my feet.

A few seconds later I heard him let out a frustrated scream on the other side of the door and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

This mates shit was just starting to get more and more complicated.

A Wolf's Jealousy and Rejection (BXB) Where stories live. Discover now