Chapter 4: Flirtatious Flaw

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I realized I said I would write June 1st through June 3rd but I didn't realize we didn't start finals till today which is June 2nd so I will update June 3rd and June 4th. Sorry for the complications.

I rubbed over the number as if it were some code to a magical universe. Well, the magical universe called "Boy". I put the number in my phone and texted it to make sure it was Adrian.

He quickly responded saying it was him and that I should come over later tomorrow and learn to keep my curtains closed. Of course right as I read that I shut my curtains.

I shut my phone off and decided it was best to just relax and have some time to myself. I turned on some of The 1975 and decided to scroll through Tumblr. (I'm not the only one who does this right?) It was so peaceful until...

"I'm bored and I want to do something," Maryana groaned as she came into my room.

"Well go do something out of my room and by yourself. I want to be alone."

"You're such an emo. Why can't you just play with me? I'm so bored and we haven't got some of the stuff from the fire yet. I want to do something," she argued.

I rolled my eyes and turned in my seat to look at her. I put on a big fake smile , for I had a plan that would keep her occupied.

"There's something at this house you need to find. It's big and yellow. It's also made out of glass. It's worth a lot of money and I always thought about selling it. Why not give it to you so you can have money?" I lied.

"Money?! I'm gonna search!" she announced as she left the room.

I could hear the loud bumping of her feet around the house. I'd be very disappointed if she finds something, mostly shocked since Grandma hates yellow. It's odd why she dislikes it so much. It's all because at her old home she grew up in had lots of weeds everywhere and they did the best they could to get rid of them. The yellow of the dandelions just caused hatred.

I just think Grandma is a little odd sometimes.

"Maryana stop it right now!" I heard Mom yell. All I could hear was Maryana's whines and then her stomping back up the stairs. Wow what a waste of time. It didn't last ten seconds.

"Why did you just get me in trouble?" she questioned as she flailed her little arms around.

"How did I get you in trouble? You were the one who was looking for the object from the clues I gave you. You were being too loud. You can just check again later," I said giving fake sympathy.

"Okay. You better not be lying to me. I want my money from this stupid thing."

That was the last sentence she said before I my door slammed shut. I feel a little bad that I told her all that stuff. I lie to her all the time just to get her off my case.


( Later that Night)

I was in the middle of watching Netflix when I got a text from Adrian.

Adrian: Get up and open your window.

"So demanding what the hell.." I mumbled to myself as I opened the window. I could see Adrian across from me with a smirk on his face. Why? That's so creepy.

"I just wanted to ask you what's up. I was bored and saw you watching Supernatural and decided to conversate."

"Oh ok...hey what's up dude?"

"Nothing much."

"Okay it's awkwardly silent now. I'm going back into my room with my Netflix marathon."

"Seriously? I just spent time texting you and trying to talk to you and now you go back to watching Supernatural?" he said completely astonished.

"Of course. Is that a bad thing?"

I just watched him awkwardly.

"I mean, you have a girlfriend and you talk to me in a very-"

"Flirty way huh?" he interrupted," I don't like you. It's just my personality. Very flirty and I can't help it."

He smiled at the end of his announcement. I felt a little embarrassed at the fact I thought he liked me or wanted to try and get me or something. I probably look so stupid.

"It's okay don't be embarrassed. I have to work out this little flaw I have. So stop avoiding eye contact with me," he replied. I nodded and looked him in the face. I can feel more comfortable around him now without feeling like a homewrecker.

"So what's your favorite color?"

"Red and you?"


And for the rest of night we just got to know eachother without any awkward silences. Go me!

I'm sorry if this is a short chapter. I hope it was kinda good atleast. Leaving readers unsatisfied is a no no. Expect and update tomorrow.

Awkward ( used to be Awkward Life of an American Teenager)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن