
Yamato, able to switch from a sword to a cane, has a similar length and size to a katana, but is much lighter and more durable

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Yamato, able to switch from a sword to a cane, has a similar length and size to a katana, but is much lighter and more durable. The Yamato also has the ability to open a portal allowing Izuku to warp to places he has been before.


Beowulf is a set of black gauntlets and greaves with a somewhat animalistic look

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Beowulf is a set of black gauntlets and greaves with a somewhat animalistic look. The gauntlets vaguely resemble a wolf's head, with fangs and mane. The greaves look like clawed legs. They also have glowing veins that have an orange light flowing through them.

[Mirage Edge]:

A weapon shaped from Izuku's own spiritual energy

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A weapon shaped from Izuku's own spiritual energy. Fast and furious, its rapid-hitting strikes can quickly overwhelm its enemies allowing for a more quick movement style while wielding this weapon.

[Mirage Blade]:

Shaped like the mirage blade, the mirage edge are smaller, knife sized, projectiles that Izuku can shoot without much thought

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Shaped like the mirage blade, the mirage edge are smaller, knife sized, projectiles that Izuku can shoot without much thought.


[A/N:] Izuku has the same abilities as Vergil in DMC5, and Izuku will unlock them throughout the story. only a few will be mentioned here as to not spoil the fun :)

[A/N 2:] same goes here, swap all blue to green

Sin Devil Trigger (abbreviated to SDT):

Izuku's SDT allows him a massive strength boost and the ability to fly whilst its active, but using SDT saps a lot of Izuku's stamina

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Izuku's SDT allows him a massive strength boost and the ability to fly whilst its active, but using SDT saps a lot of Izuku's stamina.


This version of doppelganger will be able to not only walk around, but also partially activate and throw out a hand or a leg, like a stand, to help Izuku punch an enemy or kick off a wall he can't reach

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This version of doppelganger will be able to not only walk around, but also partially activate and throw out a hand or a leg, like a stand, to help Izuku punch an enemy or kick off a wall he can't reach.

Weapon switching/storage:

Izuku has the ability to store and take out his weapons as need be, due to the Yamato giving him access to a pocket dimension. In which he can store his weapons, food, and other stuff as time does not pass in the pocket dimension.

Hanako Sparda:

Great Granddaughter of Vergil Sparda

Ryoshi Sparda:

Great Grandson of Dante Sparda

[A/N:] that's all from the characters for now. enjoy the first chapter :)

Word count: 609

Izuku Yagi - The New Yamato WielderWhere stories live. Discover now