Chapter 22 - Partner

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I sat as I watched the two. Kaori seems to be more close with Chishiya the past few hours. Do they have a thing? Well, obviously not. I don't think that Chishiya will have time for relationships.

But do they really have a connection?

"Hey, are you okay?"

I snapped out of my mind when Yuri spoke. I chuckled slightly before standing. "Yes, I-I'm just bored. Let's play." I cleared my throat before walking towards the other players. I watch how they play. It's boring.

"We should play now. We don't have. Enough tim—

"Hi! You're the girl earlier right? I met someone who can be your opponent!" The girl who approached me earlier suddenly pop up.

Yuri looked at me like he was asking what's going on. I turn around and smiled widely at the girl. "Yes! This is my partner that I'm talking about earlier." I pointed at Yuri.

She nodded before walking away, gesturing us to follow. I winked at Yuri before grabbing his arm.

She pointed at a guy who's busy playing. I noticed that he has many cards in his other hand. I hid my smile. Luck is really on me.

After they finished, he immediately went in our direction. Hmmm, he knew already.

I smiled before handing my hand. "Hi! I'm Yuka, let's play?" I faked my smile before pulling him to the table so that we can start. The guy looked at me before laughing loudly. So does the girl. The girl walked closer to the guy before kissing his lips. I furrowed my brows, making it looked like I'm confused.

"W-wait..." My eyes widened. The both high five before looking at me. "Yuka... Let me give you a piece of advice." The girl spoke. "Never. Ever. Trust someone so easily in a world like this. Look at you now! And you even dragged your partner here." She smirked.

"Let's start! Should I pick the scissor?" The guy looked at me, smirking.

My eyes swell in tears. "N-no... This is cheating!" I tried to go down but Yuri put his hand on my shoulder. He looked at me seriously, with a hint of pain in his eyes. "Yuka... It's already done, just finish the game." He whispered. I supressed my laugh when I saw his face.

Damn, Yuri's acting is convincing.

"Aww, look at them. They're so sweet!"

I turned around when I heard the girl's voice. I sighed before walking back to the table. "Let's just finish this." I said in a low voice.

"Janken po!" We both showed our cards.

I heard them gasp when they saw my card. He picked scissors but my card is rock.

"Hmm, I guess I won?" I asked them, smirking.

They both looked confused. "H-how? You told me that you have paper!" She shouted.

My smile faded. "Yes, I told you that." I walked closely to them. They both stepped back. "But did I show you my card? Hm?" I asked the girl while I played with her hair. Their eyes widened when they realized. "Y-you lied—

"So what if I lie? It's already too late."

30 minutes before the game ends.

I saw Yuri smirked when he heard the timer. He grabbed their cards before handing it to me.

8 cards? Plus our cards. Total of 10 cards.

I smiled. "Yes! We won!" I punched Yuri's arm before looking at the couple. "Let me give you a piece of advice." I imitate the girl. "Don't believe everything you hear, unless they prove it to you." I waved my hand at them before walking away.

I turned around when I felt someone watching me. I looked away when I saw Chishiya. He was glaring at me. Or was he glaring at Yuri?

"Damn, I think someone wants to kill me before the game does." Yuri chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

What's your problem, Chishiya?

I just shrugged before going to Kuina and Akari. They collected the 10 cards, so does Kaori and Chishiya. There's only 1 team left before the timer ends.

I shook my head when I saw Niragi, pointing the gun on the other players. He forcefully get their cards before proceeding to the others.

If they don't give the cards to Niragi, they'll die. Not on the game. But on Niragi's gun. And if they do, they'll die anyway because the timer ends. I sighed. I guess that's how it works. They had no choice. They'll die in both ways.


The game ended. The laser shot the players in the head. The view was horrifying for someone who is new here. But all of us are used to it.

"You seem tired." I slightly flinched when someone spoke behind me. I look around and saw Chishiya. I was quite shocked that he talked to me. I'm in the rooftop right now. Watching people have fun while I drink.

I just chuckled slightly before shaking my head. "Yes. The last game was not tiring. But my body seemed so exhausted. I feel like my body was becoming weak these past few days."

"Just rest and eat healt—"

"Chishiya! God, I was looking for you! You suddenly vanished while we're in your room." Kaori suddenly interrupt.

I stood up before walking away. I don't want to be in the same place with Kaori. I'm tired. I just want to rest.

I felt Chishiya hold my arm, making me stop from walking. I looked at him before looking at his hand on my arm. His grip tightened like he was telling me not to leave. I sighed.

"Stop acting like you're worried. We both know I'll die soon." I said before walking away.


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