
W:we know what happened why did u flip out at max? Cause u don't normally do that so it's gotta be something inportant

Sammy:u gotta promise not to tell anyone until i say or i tell them


Sammy:finn texted me this hole ass speech about how sorry he os and how he regrets everything and how he wants to to be his gf again and icba with him or dealing w it but i keep leaving him on opened and he keeps calling me and texting me but idk whar to do about it

W:1just block him 2 he can go khm 3 i hate f*nn 4u should go tell max and the rest especially ella as its her brother

sammy:i did block him but he made a new account and messaged me 2 max hates me and i can't just talk to her

W:she doesn't hate u and why can't u talk to her

Sammy:i hate talking about stuff especially my feelings so idk what to doooo

W:yeah ik vut ur doing it to me now right? You'll be fine trust me sammy

Sammy:thanks w ur the best

W:yeah yeah ik not go talk to max

Sammy:fine fine but im doing it over text

W:as long as u tell her

Sammy: i will thanks wes <3

W:ur welcomee <3


Max u there?
Maxine maybanks?

Maxie:1 don't call me maxine 2 what

Sammy:i wanna say sorry for being mean and shit to u so im sorry

Maxine:1 why are u telling me over text and not irl 2 why were u being an asshole

Sammy:1 im telling u cause i hate talking about my feelings and im in the forest 3 its finn hes messing me and calling me again saying hes sorry and he wants me back

Maxine:wksjeh little bitch I'll fight him for u but ur not gonna go back are u?

Sammy:ew god no but idk what to do

Maxie:can't u block him

Sammy:already tried he made a new account 😒

Maxie:should we ask the reso if the group?

Sammy:oh yeah sure

Max added sam

Sam:hey yall finns messaging me apologising and he wants me back and before u say "wHy dOnT u JuSt bLoKe hIm" ive already tryed that so any suggestions😻🙏

Tara:hold tf up
The ugly ass rat??


Ella:ew tf ill tell him to stop

Sam:no don't that will probably make it worse


Jill:we can kill him for u🤷🏻‍♀️

Yes pls😻


sam:yea damn yk what ima just tell him to fuck off i don't want him 🤞



Sam:to late😧
He called me a whore😻
And hes homfobic so he hates me now yayayayay
And he said he will make me straight um i think tf not
I just put not tf u wouldn't and he called me a fucking whore, how kind🤞
He said he hates u maxie but dw i love u😻
Andd now he just said i can kms 🤞
El tell ur brother to stop sending me death freats pls thank uuu🤗

scream group chatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora