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When Jack and Ben returned home that evening, it was to find the house totally silent and a note on the refrigerator that read:

We wanted to give the two of you time to decompress
so, we took the kids down to the lake. We'll be back by
about seven.

Love you,

A glance at the clock told them it was quarter after five, and the two of them headed upstairs to shower and change into something more comfortable. They stepped into the walk-in shower, the warm spray cascading down their backs and relieving the tension from both the stress of the earlier day, and the car ride home. As they stood in silence for a moment, Ben laid his head on Jack's shoulder, tracing the vegvisir that decorated his left pectoral. Jack let out a contented sigh before pulling away slightly. "You know I love you, right?" he asked, smoothing a hand over Ben's damp hair and down his neck.

"Jackson..." Ben rolled his eyes and smiled, "That is probably one of the stupidest things you've ever asked me, in thirty years." When Jack looked confused, Ben's eyes and smile softened and he reached up to caress Jack's face as he said, "You loved me more than anyone ever has, even before you were my lover. You helped me through everything. For twenty-eight years, you've been my rock even before you knew you were. You could make me smile even when I thought I was going to die. Then when you found out what was happening you did everything in your power to keep me safe, and when it was finally over you did whatever you could to help me heal. You slept crammed against a wall in a twin bed, you spent hours helping me study, you worked with me through my greatest fear, and you even allowed yourself to be estranged from your family for eighteen years, just to be with me. Jack, Baby, if that doesn't say 'I love you' I don't know what does."

Jack couldn't bring words to his lips. He felt the tears prick his eyes as the heavily emotional day caught up with him, and all he could think of was the need to kiss the wonderful man in his arms, and so he did. Jack leaned down and captured Ben's lips in a soft, slow kiss that said everything he wanted to but couldn't. His hands moved slowly and gently over Ben's back as he pulled him closer to take their sweet kiss slightly deeper, while Ben's slid up his arms and around his neck to bring them almost impossibly closer.

A deep rumble came from the smaller man's chest as he felt Jack's tongue slide across his lips that he opened to him without question, allowing their tongues to dance in a sensual rhythm that had both stirring. Ben slowly pulled away, placing his forehead to Jack's as he reached behind him to take the shampoo down from the shelf. Pouring some into one long-fingered hand he began to move it through Jack's hair, and once he was satisfied with his work, he allowed Jack to do the same to him. When they had both rinsed Jack reached behind himself, and took down a loofa and the calming lavender-eucalyptus bodywash he knew Ben loved. Once it was lathered into the loofa, he began to gently run it along his husband's body, making him groan when his fingers skimmed across his more sensitive areas. Soon, Ben began to do the same to him.

They reached their now fully hard lengths at nearly the same time, each taking the other's in hand and gently massaging the shaft. Loofas falling to the floor, their lips found each other's again and they kissed slowly as their hands worked. "Jack," Ben gasped, "Jack, baby, we need to get out. I don't want to do this in here." Jack hummed a response and reached behind him to turn off the shower before taking two towels off the rack near the entrance. They dried each other, their lips connecting once again, and moved slowly out of the bathroom and onto the bed where Jack slowly laid Ben down. His lips and tongue traced the lines of the many tattoos that decorated the smaller man's chest and torso.

He stopped at the tattoo on Ben's hip, the newest addition that they all shared. It was of two hearts, interlocked so that one was upside-down, with an infinity symbol looping through them. The symbol for polyamory. Jack felt a lump in his throat again as he thought of how truly lucky he was. Not only to have the man under him, but the five more down by the lake, and their beautiful wife who had given them seven even more beautiful children. He placed an especially gentle kiss to the black ink, looking up to see Ben watching him with those ever-curious, onyx eyes that always seemed to know exactly what he was thinking and always had. "God you're beautiful," he murmured as he moved further down.

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