Chapter two

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Rhea pov

I wake up to the sun beaming through the windows in my bedroom I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face.

I get up, put one of my robes and walk into my bathroom and brush my teeth and do my morning skincare.

I get downstairs and make myself a breakfast of fried eggs and turkey bacon. And get my smoothie out of the fridge that I made yesterday.

When I get back upstairs I go, to my walk in closet and pick out my outfit for the day I decided on and white dress with gold sandals.

I decided to style my goddess braids in a careful pass now and put on some jewelry.

I grabbed a small bag and put my essential need in it. I decided that I would walk to the bakery down the street from my house.

As I'm walking down the street, I feel the cool breeze and sun shining against my skin.

When I walk into the bakery, I noticed that it's empty, except for the people workingu.

I go up to the register and order banana bread and an iced coffee.

Then I find a seat in the back of the bakery and pull out my phone and scroll through it.

I don't want to do my phone I hear somebody come through the door for my back is facing towards the door, so I pay it no mind.

I hear somebody talking in the distance, but I pay it no mind. "Can I sit here"? I hear your voice say.

I have a look up I see the man that I had bumped into at the plant shop the other day.

"Yeah sure" I said, with a surprise face. He sits down across from me. "What's your name" I ask when he was done sitting down.

"My name Dante what's yours name kind of rude of me not to ask first" he said. "My name is Rhea" I said "so what are you doing in Italy I can tell that your not from here" he said with a chuckle.

"I'm here on vacation to celebrate the fifth anniversary of my business actually" I said smiling. "Oh what kind of business do you own" he asked in a interesting voice. "It's not that interesting but I own a pottery business".

"What do you do for work" I ask "I'm just a architect " he said in a unamused tone. "That's a big deal why do you seem so uninterested in it" I said with a smile.

"I didn't really want to do it it was my dads dream and I just wanted to make him proud" he said with a sad smile.

"Well sorry I had to dampen the mood" I said with an unapologetic face. "No it's fine but how is your vacation going so far have you been to Italy before" he said trying to lighten the mood.

"No I actually come here a lot I even have a home here" I said with a smile.

"Yeah it's a nice place to be" he said taking in your features. "So why did you come to my table there's so many open around" I say with a laugh. "I just wanted to ask you if you would what to have a dinner with me I couldn't get you off my mind that sounds weird sorry " he said nervously pushing he glasses up his face.

"I would love to go on a date with you can I get your number" he asked. "Yes sure I can give you my number". We switch phones and put our numbers into them. "So what day do you want to go" he asked me "we can go Saturday if you free" I say to him.

"Yeah we can go in that day ill text you soon".  We continue to eat our food we talk about things nothing deep since I just met him. and I want to save something for the date.

As we walk to the door,  he holds it open for me, and when we are both outside turn to each other and I  say. "See you soon" I say with a smile.

I decided that I would go walk down the boardwalk  as I'm walking I decided that I would go and get some food that I could eat for dinner.

As I'm walk  in see Dante with a gourd of three boy who seemed to be in their early 20s. I decided that I would not go and bother him since I just saw him.

I decided on an seafood restaurant. When I am done ordering my food I go sit down on a chair and wait as I'm waiting for my order number to be called I am looking out the window.

As I'm looking out of the window i I meet eyes with Dante he looks at me with a smile and a small wave. I give him a smile and wave back.

I turn back around with a small wondering what the date will be like on Saturday. When my order number is called I ho and get my food. I decided that I would eat my food on the beach.

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