Chapter 6

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Till Now....

Inside the Throne Room, both Zeus and Hercules were getting manhandled like ragdolls Hermes and Kohnie had taken it upon themselves to go after Hercules who was having a hard time against the ice attacks that Khonie sent on his way and being punched by Hermes who was showing his impressive speed by moving so fast that many seeing the attacks could not make out his movements due to his speed. On the other side of the Throne Room, the same thing was happening with Zeus Who had never regretted deciding between now but was Currently regretting even thinking about the engagement of his son with Hebe thankfully he didn't have to face the wrath of both the gods as Hestia was being restrained by her sacred animal which had come after sensing the emotional distress of its master. But it didn't waver Percy who was taking his anger on Zeus by repeatedly throwing him through walls and support beams both Poseidon and Hades were laughing out loud and taking video of it Arphotide dragged out Ares from the fight after he was blasted back by Percy in his try to help his father. Demeter and Hera were trying and failing to calm down Percy Appolo were recording the whole thing on camera. Artemis was watching gleefully as Hercules got his ass handed by the siblings. Iris was condensing crying Hebe. Dinnoses was just sipping wine uncaring of the chaos unfolding before him.

Three hours later the group had finally calmed down after the commotion. Both Zeus and Heracles were beaten black and blue and were treated by Apollo. It was then decided that the mortals would be informed that Heracles was dead but in truth, he would be made a god of strength and the gatekeeper of Olympus. Hebe was free from the arranged marriage and as a bonus was relieved from her duties as the cupbearer of the gods. As an assurance that such a condition would never happen again, Perseus was permitted to come to Olympus whenever he wanted not that he needed any permission whatsoever. This declaration had made the elder gods except for Zeus happy as they all had missed their elder sibling who had often filled the role of a life guide for them.

Even the minor gods and nature spirits outside the throne room had celebrated the fact that the eldest god was now free to roam on Olympus not that the permission of Zeus or the council was even needed or mattered as most of the gods and nature spirits were going there just for the free party as all of them knew that the god of the night didn't need the permission of Zeus or his council. It was merely just a formality.


While the party was in full swing not everyone was in a festive mood. Along the sidelines of the party, Hercules was fuming at the humiliation he received from the incident in the throne room of the Perseus family. He thought that as the most powerful hero, no one should be allowed to disrespect him. With his power, Hercules also inherited the pride and arrogance of Zeus. He was fuming with anger and hatred for Perseus and promised himself that he would one day take revenge for his humiliation at all costs.

Just like his son Zeus was also drowning in his anger and frustration at being crushed by his brother in front of the whole of Olympus and also that none of his "family" came to his side to help him, especially his ungrateful bastards that were his children whom he had handpicked to be in his council to be his yesmen. Sipping his nectar-induced drink, he just sipped his anger, drowning the glass down his throat, promising himself that he would retaliate. Not now but in the future, he would sure as hell make sure his brother is taught not to question his authority. But for now, all he could do was sit back in humiliation and just heal while searching internally and watching as everyone milled around enjoying, especially Perseus and his family, drank and felt like they were at home on his Olympus, from which he had kicked them out. In his arrogance and paranoia, he had left the thread of reasoning and instead caved into his darker parts of conscience. Thus, he was playing a dangerous game as dark thoughts like these rarely did any good to anyone in his family. It was these types of thoughts that caused people like Kronos and Oranus to be pushed over the edge, and history knows the rest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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