Chapter 21: Dial A for Animo Pt 2

Start from the beginning

Polly Pain: A mega sized alien!

The alien spoke in a malicious deep voice.

???: Ah missed him, oh well I have the time in the world to dish out some more damage to the buck tooth loser.

Lincoln glares at the monster.

Lincoln: Who're you calling a loser, you overgrown platter?!

???: Oh gee, who do I know who's been a loser all his life through school & home with nothing to show? (Grins) Oh right... It's you, Lincoln Lame!

Lincoln's eyes widened.

Lincoln: Chandler?!

Lana & Lola: Chandler?!

Ben: Who?

The monster known as Chandler gave Ben a flabbergasted and anger look.

Chandler: You don't know who I am?! I'm Chandler McCann! The most coolest, most popular and richest guy in royal woods!

Ben: Never heard of you.

Lynn: He's a red haired bully of my brother with a self entitled, arrogant and jerky complex vibe.

Lana: He thinks he's better than everyone because his rich dad owning a sewage plant.

Ben: .... That's just sad and I thought Cash & TJ were a pain.

Chandler: Grrr!! Don't talk about me as if I'm not here! And I'm better than everyone, now with this new power I'm gonna show you that you're nothing compared to me!

He pointed to Ben and the four louds.

Chandler: (to Ben) Big time alien hero, my foot! If anyone's the coolest hero here, you're looking at him (points to himself) Why do you get the fancy watch with all the alien, powers and fame and past the that upon these pathetic louds losers?! If anyone deserves all that, it's me!

Ben gave him a deadpan.

Ben: Are you done with the pointless bragging and complaining?

Chandler: What?!

Ben: Look, there were times where I've used the watch for myself but in time, I've used the Omnitrix up to the ultimatrix to help people, I've saved the universe more times than I could count because it's the right thing to do & how I use it. And as I said to my friend when he was in a power hungry state, I don't even like being famous like that, I'd rather have my secret identity back.

Lincoln: We didn't get these omnitrixs to show off and get famous, Chandler! We chose to help Ben in order to stop a galaxy, a universal threat but apparently you're stuck in your "I'm more important than you" world to understand!

Lynn: You think you deserve what Ben got, fat chance. What you deserve is a spoiled, privileged, ass whoopin'!

Chandler was now livid.

Chandler: Shut up!!

He fired flaming crystals at the group who scattered, Ben activated his ultimatrix and turned into Spidermonkey.

Spidermonkey: Spidermonkey! Ooh! Ooh! Aaah! Aaah!

Lola, Lynn, Lana and Lincoln activated their omnitrixs and transformed into their alien forms. Lynn got Fourarms, Lana got Wildmutt, Lola got Rath and Lincoln got Humongousaur.

Lincoln (Humongousaur): You got handle the heat hazards and find Animo, I'll handle Chandler.

Spidermonkey and the group went after the legion, who begin shooting beams of extremely hot water, they dodge the blasts which caused whatever it made contact with to burn and eat away like acid.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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