"I'm not scared of Sabrina," I respond to Shaw while beginning to walk again. "In fact, I'm going to leave all my doors unlocked to make it easier for her."

I hang up the call and slip my phone back into my pocket.

Sabrina couldn't kill me. Ever. I know how many people she has killed - and I'm not saying she's bad at it. But when it gets compared to me, the man people won't even look in the eyes, she stands no chance.

But by all means, she can try.

I drive home and just as I said I'd do, I don't lock my doors.

My house is completely dark. No lights are on. The stars and moon that come through the windows provide a little bit of light, but it's not much. I walk through my dark, empty, and silent house, alone. It's so quiet I can hear my own heartbeat.

I take a shower. It's cold and quick. And then I lay in my bed, on my back, looking up at the ceiling. No noises. No nothing. Just me, in this empty house.

I roll over to my side - the direction that Sabrina had slept in. But this time, she wasn't there. Her body dent was no longer there, either. I reach my hand out and touch where she had laid.

Suddenly, I felt so lonely.

It seeps into my skin, I feel it everywhere in my body.

Lonely. What Sabrina had called me. I had denied it back then, but that was because I had never tasted what it was like to have her with me. The ring I still wear reflects off the light from a star.

I'm not a patient man.

If Sabrina won't come to me, 

Then I'll make her.



"I think I'd look better in this than you would," Aresius says in front of the mirror in the corner of my room. He holds one of my red dresses up to his body and does a spin before looking at me with a smile. "Did you buy this just for me?"

"I bought it to wear to a party years ago," I tell him while watching him hang it back up. 

Aresius has spent night after night at my house. Shaw occasionally stops by, usually to make sure I haven't tried to kill Valerio yet.

As if on queue, Shaw enters my room. I'm about to roll my eyes until I see that he brought me breakfast. 

"Hey, Sabrina," Shaw says cautiously while handing me the coffee and bagel. "You don't happen to have anything sharp around you, do you?"

My eyebrows lower. I notice he takes a few steps back after handing it to me and I eye him up and down.

"Why?" I ask. "And why do you look so nervous?"

He scratches the back of his head as Aresius walks to be beside him and his voice raises an octave, "Oh, no reason. It's just that, Valerio...."

He goes on to say the rest of the sentence extremely quietly and extremely quickly so that I can't understand what he's saying. 

I sit up and ask him, "What the hell did you just say? What about Valerio?"

By the nervous look on his face, I already know I'm not going to like it. 

"Um, it's just...." he starts, then trails off. I raise my eyebrows while I wait for him to keep going. "Valerio is throwing a party tonight and you have to come."

"Why do I have to come?" I ask. I see the nervousness still on his face, and I know there's more to the story. "Shaw. What are you leaving out."

He's rubbing his jawline. He doesn't wanna say it. 

𝐈𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now