☠︎︎ Word Gets Around ☠︎︎

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It was the next day and you were at the market with Deathcutter, well, Deathcutter was most likely running around in the woods just outside the market.

You were searching for mutton, fish and some intel on literally anything that would benefit you and your search to find a way to keep dragons safe from hunters across the archipelago.

It's been only a few minutes since you saw your last hunter, there was one too many hunters at the market which proved it was not a great place to be.

There was no way to turn back now, too much at stake. If a hunter saw you walking into the woods you could be followed or something.

Wouldn't be the first time that happened, definitely not.

You looked over and saw three hunters picking out arrows that were filled with Dragonroot, you walked over and began to look at some arrows to hear what they were speaking about.

"I had heard that Viggo Grimborn is hosting a dragon auction, a few rare dragons will be there!" A hunter grinned

"Those little dragon riders from Berk are probably gonna crash it, I wouldn't suggest going there. It's a waste of ya time!" Another laughed

Berk? Dragon riders?

You hadn't heard of Berk in ages, you lost hope of going there after realizing they'd never accept Deathcutter so you stayed on Graveyard Island.

Dragon riders on Berk seemed unbelievable, they were trying to fight and kill all dragons last time you checked.

Including Thorstons.

How were your younger siblings doing? Were they alright? They were twins so you assumed they'd hate each other by now.

Those dragon riders must be the ones attacking the hunter ships, Berkian dragon riders and Berkian dragons.

A dragon auction.

That's where they'd be, but when was the dragon auction going to take place and what exactly would happen in your time spent there?

"Hey, when's that auction?" You asked

"In a two days- hey! Were you listening in on our conversation?!" The hunter shouted


You had what you needed and you knew what would be happening and what you'd be doing tomorrow, preparing and planning for the auction.

The third one grabbed a mace and you began to make a break for it into the forest, the other two grabbed weapons and began running towards you.

They probably thought you heard the whole conversation, what did they have to hide that was so important?

Not the point.

You put two fingers up to your mouth and whistled, you could perform a Boneknapper call or a whistle. The whistle imitated a Boneknapper with no voice and Deathcutter was able to respond to that much better than calling his name.

Large footsteps and rattles could be heard throughout the forest and out came a large Boneknapper from behind a tree or two.

The three hunters yelled and stopped abruptly, you got behind Deathcutter and he got fire ready to blast before starting it around the hunters.

That's one way to burn an industry to the ground. 

Once you got settled on top of his back he immediately took off in the opposite direction of the market and shrieked victoriously after seeing the fire beginning to spread.

"Deathcutter! I found out some information on those riders, it's something that's gonna keep you occupied for quite a while." You said

He roared back and flapped his wings before beginning to glide in the skies.

"Remember Berk? The dragon riders are from there, that means Berk and dragons have finally made peace with each other!" You exclaimed

Deathcutter nodded and flapped his wings once again to keep himself in the air and to start going faster in the sky.

"Tomorrow we need to plan some sort of attack since the day after that there's a dragon auction that will most likely be going on, and I don't want anyone getting hurt. I'd also like to see Ryker and Viggo Grimborn for myself to see if they are of any interest to me." You stated

His head tilted in confusion before he roared to indicate that he didn't know what you meant.

"Both of them are dragon hunters and Berk has dragon riders that are trying to save dragons, like us. They're hosting a dragon auction to make some extra gold and the dragon riders are gonna stop it before dragons are sold. And we're gonna show up to make sure no one gets hurt, of course we won't be showing ourselves just incase I misread the situation." You explained

Deathcutter roared as Graveyard Island came into view, he landed on the rocks and you hopped off of his back quickly while holding the basket filled with fish and mutton.

"Have a fish! Tomorrow we're gonna be working all day on a plan so we're gonna need some rest earlier on today, don't want to be too tired tomorrow incase we have to make a stop somewhere or we're up all night tomorrow figuring out a plan." You stated

Deathcutter roared in agreement before raising his wings and looking off into the distance as if he sensed something.

"Deathcutter?" You said

He shook his head quickly and looked back at you before grabbing the basket you were carrying and running towards the tunnel as if nothing happened, what did happen?

You brushed it off and began running towards the tunnel so that you could catch up with your dragon who was most likely going through the food by now to separate mutton from fish.

Or he set it down for you to do it, that's a possibility too since he is bound to mess up and eat a piece of mutton if he does it without any sort of guidance.

As soon as you walked into the actual cave you saw a few Terrible Terrors scurrying around the place as Deathcutter began to drive them out of the cave, they probably stole a couple of fish and agitated him.

The larger dragon shrieked which made the sound run throughout the cave, that got the Terrible Terrors into a frenzy and they began searching for the exit rapidly so that the angry fire breathing Boneknapper wouldn't scold them or something about stealing others fish.

Y/n Thorston (How To Train Your Dragon)Where stories live. Discover now