Telling the public your dating

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(I don't own the video credits to the rightful owner)

It has been two days since the ninja picked you up from school. You and Cold were talking about going public but it had several safety measures for you.
1. Always tell where you are
2. Always one of the ninja with you
These two rules were there so you won't be kidnapped. You and Cole talked a lot about it and you agreed with the rules. You and Cole look for a cute picture to post on your social media. You find one from Kai's birthday. You both have a balloon in your hand and you're standing on the deck giving each other a kiss. "GUYS I'M POSTING SOMETHING SO BRACE YOURSELF" Cole yells at the rest of the group. "OKAY" they all yell back. "Why did you say that?" "Well if someone of us posts something all of our accounts will be spammed because people don't believe it or something like that." "Okay I will post first. You didn't have many followers so you tagged Cole and posted the picture. Cole did the same. All the phones in the monastery immediately went off I went from 29 followers to 100 million in 10 seconds. "COLE, WHAT DID YOU POST THIS IS WORSE THAN WHEN JAY AND NYA TOLD THEY WERE DATING" Everyone screams. SORRY, BUT COME IN HERE FOR A SEC AND PUT YOUR PHONES ON SILENT" Cole yelled back. You and Cole explained the rules and we decided that if you go to town 1 or 2 ninja will come and if you go to school 2 or 3 ninja will come. You were in your senior year so It was only for a short time.

All the ninja: I kept getting chat requests for 24 hours.
Y/n: I just gained 100 million followers...
All the ninja: WHAT!
y/n: yep, but got the get ready for prom so bye!!

Bye guys see you next chapter
(334 words)

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