"Finally!" Stiles exclaimed. "Come on."

Charlie followed Stiles down the hall, gratefully accepting the coffee already prepared in her favourite travel mug. They reached the kitchen, where their father was pulling on his sheriff's jacket. A plate of toast sat in front of him, so Charlie swiped a slice and placed it between her teeth before hugging her father tightly.

"Bye, Dad." Charlie said around a mouthful of toast.

"Bye, you two. No funny business." Noah smirked as his two children raced out the door.

"What funny business?" Stiles said defensively.

"Just get to school." Noah rolled his eyes.

Charlie followed Stiles out the door and towards his jeep. She climbed into the passenger seat, waiting patiently for the beat-up old car to start. Finally, they were on their way to school. Charlie questioned the jeep's ability to get them to school on time, but they pulled up with minutes to spare. They could already see their friends waiting for them, so they hopped out and made their way over.

"Wow, you actually made it." Scott snickered as they approached the group.

"Blame sleeping beauty over here." Stiles jerked a thumb in Charlie's direction.

"It's not my fault, I got distracted reading last night." Charlie shrugged.

"Reading what?" Allison questioned.

Charlie let out a sigh. She looked around to make sure no one was listening before she leant closer to the group.

"I was trying to do some research on this weird creature thing. But google hasn't proven to be too helpful."

"We still need to figure out who it is. If we can figure that out, maybe we'll be able to find out what it is we're dealing with." Scott nodded his head.

The bell rang, signalling the start of classes. Charlie, Stiles, Allison, and Scott turned and headed inside the building. Once they'd collected their relevant books, they went their separate ways to their first lessons. Charlie walked into her math classroom and found her usual seat beside her best friend, Lydia.

"Hey, Lyds." Charlie smiled as she dropped into her chair.

"Hey, so did you find anything?" Lydia whispered, leaning over slightly.

Charlie shook her head. "No, nothing."

Lydia let out a sigh before turning her attention back to the front of the class.

"We'll find something, I'm sure." Charlie added.

"That's not the only problem we have." Lydia said, turning to face her again.

"Now what?" Charlie groaned.

Lydia's serious expression soon disappeared, quickly replaced with a mischievous grin. Charlie backed away slightly, her brows furrowed in a mixture of fear and confusion.

"What are you wearing to my party?" Lydia grinned.

"Are you kidding me? How is that a problem?" Charlie laughed.

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