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Namor watches as Angel sat cross-legged on the salty cavern floor, staring out at the vast expanse of the cave before them. He knows what is weighing on her mind, the fear that gnaws at her heart every time she thinks about her siren song.

"Angel," He says softly as he moves to her and rests a hand on her shoulder, "I know it's hard. But you don't have to be afraid."

Angel looks up at him, her dark eyes filled with worry.

"Namor, you don't understand. My voice..it's caused so much destruction, so much pain. I can't risk hurting anyone else," She utters, though her English has improved.

Namor's expression softens, and he moves closer to her, his hand still on her shoulder.

"I'm not asking you to use it to hurt anyone," He says, "But your siren song is a part of you, Angel. It's a gift, and it's meant to be used for good."

Angel shook her head.

"I don't know if I believe that anymore," She sighs. "All I can see is the people I've hurt, the lives I've taken. How can I ever make up for that?"

Namor takes her hand in his, squeezing it gently.

"You don't have to make up for anything," He says gently, "But you do have to forgive yourself, Angel. You have to realize that you're not defined by your mistakes. You're defined by the person you are now and the person you're becoming."

Angel looks at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"How do you always know the right thing to say?" She questions in a voice barely above a whisper.

Namor smiles at her, his eyes warm and loving.

"Because I love you," He utters, "And I want to help you, in any way I can

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"Because I love you," He utters, "And I want to help you, in any way I can."

Angel leans into him and rests her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Namor," She affirms, "But I'm just so scared."

Namor wraps an arm around her, holding her close.

"I know," He nods, "But you don't have to be scared alone. I'm here with you, every step of the way."

After many moments of being in her husband's arms, Angel decides it's time. It's time to throw the past away and reveal her voice to the man she loves. Angel takes a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She closes her eyes and begins to sing.

The sound is hauntingly beautiful, and Namor felt his heart swell with pride as he listens. Angel's voice echoes through the cave, filling the air with its mournful melody. It's vaguely familiar to the siren song of his people, yet is distinct in its own way. Angel's siren song is a haunting melody that echoes through the ocean depths. It starts as a soft hum that gradually builds in intensity, drawing in all who hear it with an irresistible allure. The sound reverberates through the water, vibrating against the bones of any creature nearby. The melody is both mournful and alluring, an otherworldly song that speaks of love, loss, and the infinite mystery of the ocean. It's a song that captures the essence of the sea, the vastness, and power that lies beneath the waves.

As Angel sings, her voice takes on a magical quality. It shimmers and glimmers like sunlight on the surface of the water, drawing in creatures from far and wide. The mermaid's voice is as alluring as it is dangerous, and many who have heard it never return to the surface again. Despite the beauty of her song, Angel feels immense guilt and sadness over the lives she's taken with it. She knows the power of her voice and fears that she will never be able to fully control it. For this reason, she's hesitant to use it, even when Namor tries to persuade her otherwise.

As the song comes to an end, Angel opens her eyes, tears streaming down her face. Namor is quick to pull his wife back into his arms, where he kisses the top of her head and holds her close.

" A t'aan uts, in yaakunaj ( Your voice is beautiful, my love)" He utters in their native tongue.

But Angel's haunting melody never surfaces after she reveals it to her husband. Namora and Attuma heard its faint sound from the depths of the ocean, but nothing more.

The Queen of Talokan has a voice, a gift that she never wishes to share. She was reluctant to share it with her husband, and certainly won't be using it ever again. It's far too powerful.

Yet the warrior in Talokan do not hold the same sentiments. They will use whatever powers they have against whatever enemies appear, and that is exactly what they do once the surface people start to pose a threat once more.

One year after Angel's reappearance, the surface people begin poking around the sea in search of vibranium, only now they have the technology that will actually find it, something that poses a direct threat to the people of Talokan.

In the dead of night, Namor dispatches his warriors out into the Atlantic Ocean, where the siren song is sung, waking up the Queen as she sleeps. She feels the vibrations of the Talokan siren song. It sends a shiver up her spine and makes her lungs feel empty, void of any air.

When Namor returns, he doesn't come empty-handed. He has a metal suit with him, one that raises questions in his Queen's mind.

Angel locks eyes with her husband, and can already feel the stench of death emanating from him.

" Máax?"

" Americanos."

Angel draws a deep breath.

" How many did you kill?"

" Not enough."

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