Fourty Three

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In the heat of the moment, and caught up in the fight, Mala had almost forgotten how they had gotten into their predicament in the first place.

Before they had been rushed away to another world together, she had thought that maybe with how things were going, the distance between them in that pool would soon be too small to measure.

His words, I have a proposition, rang like chapel bells in her head.

She couldn't even begin to think about what could've happened if they had stayed. Didn't want to hope, or believe that something could have happened.

After all, they weren't even from the same universe.

And wasn't that just another stab to her bleeding heart.

The pain of quickly losing her entire life and having to rebuild herself to adapt to a new place was already enough trouble, but to have formed an intense connection with a certain Illyrian who was very clearly naked, was something else entirely.

With how much effort he had put in to swiftly heal himself in enough time, the shadows that had cloaked them both before had dissipated into the air, leaving them both vulnerable and bare to the world—and themselves.

It took Mala more time than she's like to admit before she forced herself to look away from him. The female fae could still picture Nyx's dark longing eyes staring at her from across the pool. She immediately wanted to close the distance between them, and act on the proposition she knew he was going to propose. Unluckily for her, the creature stood in her way.

In the time it had took for her to look away from the muscular Illyrian, it had traveled a few several feet from it's previous spot, leaving a trail of blood behind it.

With a sudden blinding of darkness in front of her Nyx appeared, the space between them narrowing profusely.

Without a word, he produced a scythe.

But, of course, being Nyx, it was not a normal scythe in the slightest way.

Chunks of ice, water, and darkness were blended together to shape the weapon, and it's handle was entirely made out of swirling shadows that encased Nyx's hand. It was of a considerable size, and sharp enough to cut through an unguarded part of the beast. It was the exact type of weapon that they needed to take it down.

~srry its short <3

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