Chapter 1

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Moon PoV

The courtyard on the roof of the building

Well, me and Merula were simply stargazing at the night sky, she scooted closer and put her head on my shoulder and kissed my neck. I simply kissed her ear.

Merula: "Well, it's just you and me."
"And that Thestral over there."

I point to a flying object headed towards us. As I immediately ducked down on the rooftop. As I got up she questioned me about what a Thestral is on the rooftop with us. I simply pull out my wand and start to send a special spell.


As fireworks exploded in the sky it gave the look of shimmering stars. She simply looked at them with awe in her eyes. I could only see the wonder in her eyes. As the fireworks smoke settled down I could see Dumbledore on the ground shooting me a wink. He then raised his wand and I faintly heard the words

Dumbledore: "Aurora Castimus"

And as expected an aurora cast through the night sky as Merula scooted over to me some more. She pulled my face towards hers as I locked eyes with her. Until I focus my attention to the empty cups of tea. I poured some more into hers and pulled out a canister from my belt strap. I opened the top and drank the fluid inside while she sipped some of her tea.

Merula: "Hey, can I have some of what you're drinking?"
"You might not like it, are you sure?"
Merula: "I'm the strongest witch in Hogwarts, I'm sure I can take what's in this canister."

She took a sip, then proceeded to commit a spit take, almost ten seconds later.

Merula: "What is that stuff, it taste like metal and fire if it were a liquid."
"That's alcohol, specifically brandy. I normally drink it when I'm cold and need to internally warm up."
Merula: "Is that why I saw you drink that first year when we were in the vault full of ice?"
"Right on the buzzer."

I pulled out two plates of Spaghetti and Guugu meatballs, a loaf of bread, and two forks. I handed her a plate and half the loaf. And we ate while watching the stars. Then the goddamn Thestral stole my spaghetti, and that's when all hell broke loose.

"Get back here ya goddamn Yaraman. That's my pasta."

That night was full of comedy and romance. But when both saw a shooting star, we were in awe as we watched it soar across the sky. When the comet was out of eyeshot we headed back inside to see a room near the end of the hall. We went inside to see a note reading.

Dear Merula and Moon,
This is where you will be staying now, enjoy being a couple
-The headmasters of Hogwarts

We immediately started to blush as we enter the room. We were both equally surprised at the rooms look

We simply got changed without looking at each other only for me to feel a kiss on my nape

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We simply got changed without looking at each other only for me to feel a kiss on my nape. So I did what anyone could do. I simply turned around and started to make out with Merula on the bed.

Ten minutes later

We enjoyed the little make out session we had, but this was next level. I grabbed a blanket wrapped it around our body and proceeded to kiss down her back as she softly moaned with pleasure.

Merula: "Moon, Please don't *ah* stop."

After a fine hour or so of this routine display of love, we went to sleep. Well it was now morning as we got up and dressed for classes. Where we would have to act like we were enemies. So we walked to the great hall where I am meet by a familiar face.

Hagrid: "Hello Moon, how are you doin' on this lovely morning?"
"Just peachy Hagrid, although a Thestral stole my spaghetti, and I need to find that Yaraman and turn it into spaghetti."
Hagrid: "How convenient, I saw a Thestral with spaghetti sauce O'er there."
"Thanks Hagrid."

So I went in that direction only to be stopped by Mr. Snape.

Mr. Snape: "And where do you think your going?"
"To go see a Thestral about a plate of spaghetti."

And he just let me down only to lock the door and force me too sit down. It was now after classes and we went back to the room and just relaxed while we sat down cuddling each other.

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