"Dad, you're back!" Lb/n2 said.

"Woahhh, what are you holding?!" Lb/n1 asked. The boys stop playing their game and climbed off the bed and ran over to me.

"Lb/n1 and Lb/n2, I want you to meet a new member of our family." I said, before I got on one knee. "Meet Raya, your baby sister.".

"Sister?" They asked.

"Yes.. You know how I adopted you two?" I asked.

"Yeah?" Lb/n1 asked.

"I did the same thing for her. You two are big brothers now and Raya is your baby sister." I said.

"Really?" They asked out of excitement.

"Yes, but that means Raya will need a little more attention from me since she's a baby. But I'll still give you both my time, do you two understand?" I asked.

"Yes," They said at the same time.

"Dad, can I hold her?" Lb/n2 asked.

"You both can after she gets a check up with Okina, so you two go back to playing your game." I said.

"Kay!" They said, before running back to the bed and climbed back on.

I get back up to my feet and looked over at the Otogi's smiling at me before I walked over to them. "So her names Raya?" Okina asked.

"That's what I named her." I said.

Kazari looks at Raya in my arm. "Ain't she the cutest thing.".

"She is, and she opened her eyes once." I said.

"Really, what color is she eyes?" Okina asked.

"A dark brown." I said.

"Well, let's get her checked out. Her beanie and onesie, will have to come off so I can get the right weight and measurements, but her diaper stays on." Okina said.

"Yeah, okay." I said. I gently set her down on the bed and carefully pulled my thumb out of her tiny grip. Raya, started getting fussy again. "I guess she didn't like me taking my finger back.".

Kazari chuckled."I guess so.".

Raya started crying. "Hold on," I said. I unbutton the buttons of the onesie and carefully got her out of the onesie and set it to the side of the bed. Raya's crying got louder. "Your okay, calm down. " I soften my voice, as I gave her my pinky finger this time and she gripped it immediately. Her crying started to quiet down.

"Wow, you're a natural at this already." Navarin said in the background.

"You think?" I asked.

"Trust me, it took me hours to calm Nadeshiko down, when she was a baby. Raya likes you, that proves you're a good father."  Navarin said.

"Thank you, Navarin." I said. Okina took off Raya's beanie then went over to the counter to get some rubber gloves and medical supplies. "How old do you think, Raya is?".

Nanbaka x Male reader (Zombie apocalypse edition)Where stories live. Discover now