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"So, you are telling me that you saw your one-night stand at the office that is supposedly meant to write about you." I looked at him as he stole the words right out of my mouth. "Well, she isn't really a one-night stand I didn't pay her at least she didn't want to be paid it was just meaningless sex to her."

"Whatever you say but I bet it was awkward for the poor girl." I chuckled and looked at him "why do you think so " he looked at me with a knowing look as he relaxed more in my office sofa "because you are an ass, and you would try to make it awkward for her." "Well, she didn't seem awkward even if she was, she played it off really well." he laughed really weirdly before he continued "so you are saying she made you look stupid." I hadn't really thought of it that well.

"So, she must really have standard for her to be working as the publishing manager of one of the biggest publishing companies in the country, she really didn't need your money that's why she told you not to pay her after you guys had sex, I like her already." "Yeah, whatever but she is also really smart with a GPA of 4.0 the best graduating student at Stanford she is a very vital asset to Tyndall."

"In other words, she is really well known what's her name." I paused to process what he was saying before I told him "Aspen Garcia " he started tapping on his phone almost immediately "wow not only is she pretty she is also smart and rich apparently her dad is a billionaire." "Who is her dad " I asked looking at him for a response " "Sabastien Garcia " we both looked at each other in Suprise I mean everybody knew who Sabastien Garcia was.

"So, you mean you slept with a Sabastien Garcia's daughter. at least she is not like the other girls" I looked at him as stood up to pour myself whiskey. "it's not that deep I said to him as he walked to the bar." "Yeah, no shit you just happened to sleep with the best graduating student in Stanford who happens to be a part of the Garcia family.

"Just mind your own business and don't forget you are coming to my family dinner with me Rowan, it will distract my parents from talking to me too much " okay whatever you say "he said mockingly.


"How are you Mrs. Romano." rowan said as he approached my mum for a hug "I'm fine Rowan but I guess you boys are too busy to remember me always busy with work." "Mum, you know it isn't like that we remember you we are just always busy " I said to her trying to justify myself.

"Even Rowan talk to me more than you don't you love your mother anymore" "mum stop" I said proceeding to hug her. "don't be ridiculous I love you " I said to her as she smiled. we were still hugging when my father appeared "if you are going to continue holding my wife like that you might as well get yours" I chuckled trying to play of the joke even if he was serious "but she is also my mum. " Rowan slowly left the room living me with just my parents.

"Okay boys calm down and let's go for dinner." she said to me and my dad who were now involved in a silent starring contest. we followed her silently to the dining table.


"So, rowan how is your girlfriend " my dad asked rowan looking directly at me "she is fine she actually travelled to see her family " rowan said as he devoured his food beside me. 'Ooh that great" my mum said not paying attention to I and my dad.

"Lucianno when are you going get a girlfriend." I ignored and continued to eat "you bury yourself in work too much." My dad said looking annoyed at me for not answering. "Dad, I've told you I'm not getting a girlfriend anytime soon; you should be lucky you have a son who works like me many parents would pay for a son like me and you got it for free." my phone ringed and I excused myself.

The call was from Tyndall informing me that they would be publishing next tomorrow. went back inside preparing to face my parents whoever said that being an only child was a flex is a massive liar.

we bid my parents goodbye as we drove back to my house. "You know your parents aren't going to let you off easily right you might have to fake it at a point." "that's not going to happen I already told them that I don't want a girlfriend and so be it ""okay whatever you say " rowan said with a scoff.

Rowan had left leaving me alone in my study I heard a knock on the door "come in " I said. " I brought you the drink you asked for "she said before exiting the office.

I studied for an extra hour before going to my room where I took a cold shower before proceeding to bed. I tossed and turned trying to sleep but was difficult, so I just went to the bar to put myself a glass of whiskey. I drank as I strolled around before proceeding to the gym since there was nothing better to do.

I came back after venting all my stress I went back to my room and took another shower before going to bed and passing out almost immediately from exhaustion.




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⏰ Última atualização: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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