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The snow blocked my vision and I was enveloped with the shouts and bustling streets of Moscow where the men get drunk on cheap gin and vodka, the women floating around the market looking for their next big deal. I vaguely see the children playing in the snow. They are wearing warm scarves and gloves and acting as if the snow didn't exist. One of the mothers noticed my pale figure, how sickly I looked due to the cold freezing every bone in my body as I kept pressing on, she didn't offer any help but instead shied the herd of children away from me. Why? Did I look so plagued? Nevertheless, I walked ahead.

My shoes had a couple of holes within them however I kept pressing on. Jesus had a couple of complications before everyone realised he was the son of God. It is necessary for Gods to struggle on their way to greatness.

I was shaken away from my thoughts when a sudden object came flying towards my direction, it looked like an empty bottle of some sort? Nevertheless, I ducked out of the way and turned my head in the way of the now smashed bottle. I heard people yelling. They were young boys who must've finished their school day by now.

"Крестьянин" A blonde, brown eyed boy a couple metres away, yelled out. He looked to his friends for approval in which he was rewarded snickers and giggles from his companions.

"Ah, Ivan, we should teach this peasant a couple of things, it's not like us noble blooded people and so it needs to learn to not walk on the same path as us." Another from the back repeated. I didn't really want the tumult of having to use my ability today. So instead, I just casually striding towards an alleyway to my left.

Some of the boys stared in surprise, confusion but most importantly disgust and rage I saw from their facial expressions. They twisted and contorted in such a revolting way, the way that sinners look like in Hell from those storybooks. They all rushed in like flies in the narrow alley. It seemed I was going to have to give them divine punishment.

The one I assumed was Ivan had a look of sin and hatred upon his face, I simply brushed his shoulder with my hand and red liquid sprang out of his body as if it needed to get away from a serial killer. His blood ran throughout the alley and it drenched my already broken shoes, getting to the library will be a bit of a more difficult experience. The other older boys were horrified. The thought that an 11 year old could've done such damage to such a strong member of their group. It must've been terrifying, God makes no such exceptions.

I continued my way towards the group of six more sinners. It must've been my lucky day since not much disgusting, tainted blood touched the rest of my clothes. However, there was quite a lot on my face and hands, I felt disgusted and personally revolted. I decided to forget my previous plans for the library and instead just go back to my home. Instead of immediately walking home, I heard shouts coming from the main road from where I was just before.

Nonetheless, I walked out in the open and in front of me, another child appeared before me, running.His white hair glistened in front of me, it truly was gorgeous. The sun hit his hair in all the right ways. His heterochromatic eyes were polarising similar to his smooth but surprisingly giddy voice.

"Oi!! You better put that bread back you little крыса! I'll call the police!?" A rather tall man behind the stall yelled out. However the white haired boy made no attempt to heed his words, a rather consequential problem. However, that same boy turned his head, I guess to look back at the man, in doing this, his eyes looked directly into mine. He rushed towards me. For some reason, I couldn't predict his movements and that for the first time in my life made me doubt my movements.

"Oh hi!! You look cool! Want to run away from those three policemen together?" He pointed to where he was running from, "They might question how you're drenched in blood. And I guess that wouldn't be too good." He held out his hand. The best course of action would be to follow the boy but even that plan had some cons.

MEMENTO MORI (a fyolai fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now